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Based on the aggregated intelligence of 180,000-plus investors participating in Motley Fool CAPS, the Fool's free investing community, offshore driller Seadrill (NYS: SDRL) has earned a coveted ...
Seadrill is an offshore drilling contractor providing worldwide offshore drilling services to the oil and gas industry. Its primary business is the ownership and operation of drillships , semi-submersible rigs, and jack-up rigs for operations in shallow to ultra-deep water in both benign and harsh environments.
In this edition, Joel discusses reasons investors have been excited about SeaDrill (NYS: SDRL) . With the increase in national oil companies, publicly traded integrated oil and gas firms are ...
Seadrill Investor Relations. The chart above shows that Seadrill has among the youngest and most deepwater-focused fleets, easily beating both Ensco (NYSE: ESV) and Transocean (NYSE: RIG) in both ...
At The Motley Fool we're built around a motley crew of analysts bringing diverse backgrounds to our stock analysis. Our opinions often differ as a result -- and that's the point. In a search for ...
The more SeaDrill Limited (NYS: SDRL) keeps of each buck it earns in revenue, the more money it has to invest in growth, fund new strategic plans, or (gasp!) distribute to shareholders. Healthy ...
A few months ago I wrote that I'd decided to finally buy shares of Seadrill . Unfortunately, for me at least, I actually didn't buy shares at that time. Instead, I chose to write puts on the ...