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  2. Systems of social stratification - Wikipedia


    Detailed anthropological and sociological studies have been made about customs of patrilineal inheritance, where only male children can inherit. Some cultures also employ matrilineal succession, where property can only pass along the female line, most commonly going to the sister's sons of the decedent; but also, in some societies, from the mother to her daughters.

  3. Family values - Wikipedia


    Family values, sometimes referred to as familial values, are traditional or cultural values that pertain to the family 's structure, function, roles, beliefs, attitudes, and ideals. Additionally, the concept of family values may be understood as a reflection of the degree to which familial relationships are valued within an individual's life.

  4. Social norm - Wikipedia


    Social norm. A social norm is a shared standard of acceptable behavior by a group. [ 1 ] Social norms can both be informal understandings that govern the behavior of members of a society, as well as be codified into rules and laws. [ 2 ] Social normative influences or social norms, are deemed to be powerful drivers of human behavioural changes ...

  5. Right to family life - Wikipedia


    The right to family life is the right of all individuals to have their established family life respected, and to have and maintain family relationships. This right is recognised in a variety of international human rights instruments, including Article 16 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 23 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and Article 8 of the ...

  6. Social rule system theory - Wikipedia


    Social rule system theory. Social rule system theory is an attempt to formally approach different kinds of social rule systems in a unified manner. Social rules systems include institutions such as norms, laws, regulations, taboos, customs, and a variety of related concepts and are important in the social sciences and humanities.

  7. Family traditions - Wikipedia


    Family traditions have their roots in distant past, to pre-historic times, when the concept and system of family as a unit of society was crystallized. In all ages and in all civilizations, since the ancient time to the present day, families have taken pride in their traditions. Before nuclear family systems became the order of the day, there ...

  8. Tripartite classification of authority - Wikipedia


    charismatic authority (character, heroism, leadership, religious), traditional authority (patriarchs, patrimonialism, feudalism) and. rational-legal authority (modern law and state, bureaucracy). These three types are ideal types and rarely appear in their pure form. According to Weber, authority (as distinct from power (German: Macht)) is ...

  9. Reciprocity (social psychology) - Wikipedia


    In social psychology, reciprocity is a social norm of responding to a positive action with another positive action, rewarding kind actions. As a social construct, reciprocity means that in response to friendly actions, people are frequently much nicer and much more cooperative than predicted by the self-interest model; conversely, in response to hostile actions they are frequently much more ...