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  2. Do you believe God curses some people with bad luck all their...


    It comes as well from our own hearts, because by nature we resent God and want to run our own lives. The Bible says, “Each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed” (James 1:14). Life is never easy; every one of us faces hardships and disappointments. The real issue, however, is how we react to them.

  3. A Christian friend of mine doesn't use words like "luck" or...


    A: I suspect the reason your Christian friend doesn’t like to use words like “luck” or “lucky” is because they imply that our lives are ruled by chance. But Christians don’t believe their lives are ruled by luck or chance; they believe God is in control. Think about it: If life is random or ruled by chance, then it doesn’t really ...

  4. But God’s Word does remind us of three important truths—truths we easily forget. First, it reminds us that wealth is not necessarily a sign of God’s blessing. In fact, some of the unhappiest people I’ve known over the years have been people with great wealth — and yet their lives were empty. Second, the Bible reminds us that life’s ...

  5. Does doubt come from the devil, or do we have doubts because of...


    The very first question in the Bible came from the mouth of Satan, and it had only one purpose: to sow the seeds of doubt in the minds of Adam and Eve and make them disbelieve what God had told them (see Genesis 3:1-4).

  6. God spared your life for a reason - Billy Graham Evangelistic...


    God made you, and life’s greatest joy comes from knowing Him and living for Him every day. Then God wants you to come to know Him personally — and you can, by asking Jesus Christ to come into your life. Only one thing separates us from God, and that is our sin. But by His death on the cross Christ destroyed that barrier sin had erected.

  7. I'm a Christian Now. How Do I Stop Cursing? - Billy Graham...


    Many Christians long to know God’s will and His will is for us to have disciplined minds and tongues. “Put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator” (Colossians 3:10, ESV). (This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.) God will forgive your sins.

  8. God’s promise is true: “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). We also can be thankful for the hope we have because of Jesus Christ. Hopefully you’ll be cured, and you certainly should pray this will happen. But death comes eventually to us all, and when we know Christ, we know we will be with Him in Heaven ...

  9. Sometimes I curse God. Have I committed the unpardonable sin?


    A: When you curse God, you are angry at Him, and you are condemning Him and telling Him He is wrong and you hate Him. More than that, you’re telling Him you don’t want anything to do with Him–and that is very serious. It tells me you’re on the wrong path in life–the path that leads only to Hell. But listen: It’s never too late to ...

  10. How do you know when God is trying to tell you something?


    The Bible warns, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). But God loves you, and the most important decision you will ever make is to turn your life over to Christ. God may also telling you through this accident to treat every day as a gift from His ...

  11. When something bad happens to us, is it because God is punishing...


    A: Sometimes bad things do happen to us because we’ve chosen to disobey God and do things that are clearly harmful. For example, someone who deliberately ignores God’s moral laws and becomes wildly promiscuous may pay a terrible price by contracting a sexually transmitted disease. But don’t misunderstand me; most of the bad things that ...