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  2. U.S. Government & Politics - Brookings


    U.S. Government & Politics. Explore expert analysis on U.S. political institutions, policy issues, and contemporary governance challenges. From Congress, the presidency, and the courts to ...

  3. Understanding democratic decline in the United States - Brookings


    The United States is experiencing two major forms of democratic erosion in its governing institutions: 6. Strategic manipulation of elections. Distinct from “voter fraud,” which is almost non ...

  4. The Globalization of Politics: American Foreign Policy for ... -...


    The challenge U.S. policymakers face today is to recognize that fundamental change in world politics and to use America’s unrivaled military, economic, and political power to fashion an ...

  5. How younger voters will impact elections: Younger voters are...


    Fifty-five percent of white male voters under 45 voted Democratic in 2022, as did 52% of younger white females. As Figure 8 illustrates, upwards of nine in ten male and female African American ...

  6. The challenging politics of climate change - Brookings


    In the United States, the amount of greenhouse gas emissions has held steady since 1990–even though our economy and our population has grown. 2 But globally, greenhouse gases have increased ...

  7. American Racial and Ethnic Politics in the 21st Century: A ... -...


    The black population, now just over 13 percent, will grow, but slowly. The number of Latinos, however, will more than double, from 24 million in 1990 to almost 60 million in 2030 (absent a ...

  8. Politics is wrecking America’s pandemic response - Brookings


    Currently, the unemployment rate implied by Department of Labor unemployment insurance claims stands at 6.7% in Republicans states, compared to 11.3% in Democratic states (Figure 3). Red state ...

  9. Current debates in health care policy: A brief overview -...


    A Closer Look. Health care is a major issue in American politics, with important. debates related to health care coverage and the underlying cost of health care. The role of health care coverage ...

  10. The future is female: How the growing political power of women...


    More recently, a January, 2020 poll found a 19-percentage-point gender gap in President Trump’s approval rating. Only 38% of women approved of the job Trump was doing, compared to 57% of men ...

  11. How tech platforms fuel U.S. political polarization and what...


    Maximizing online engagement leads to increased polarization. The fundamental design of platform algorithms helps explain why they amplify divisive content. “Social media technology employs ...