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  2. Unemployment Insurance | Department of Labor - Vermont


    The purpose of unemployment insurance benefits is to provide short term replacement of lost wages to individuals who lose their jobs through no fault of their own. The money for unemployment benefits is solely funded by employers by paying taxes into the unemployment insurance trust fund.

  3. UI for Claimants | Department of Labor - Vermont


    Find resources for claimants below, or more information on unemployment insurance at Labor.Vermont.gov/Unemployment-Insurance

  4. UI Initial Claim Application | Department of Labor - Vermont


    Contact Unemployment Insurance Division: Establish an Initial Claim: 1-877-214-3330 (Monday-Thursday: 8:30am-4:00pm; Friday: 9:00am-4:00pm) File Weekly Claim: 1-800-983-2300 (Automated - Sunday: 24 hours / Monday - Friday: 5:00am-4:30pm)

  5. Michael Harrington, Commissioner Dustin Degree, Deputy Commissioner Vermont Department of Labor 5 Green Mountain Drive P.O. Box 488 Montpelier, 05601-0488 (802) 828-4000. Department Directory

  6. Contact UI | Department of Labor - Vermont


    Unemployment Claims for Individuals: Establish an Initial Claim: 1-877-214-3330 or 1-888-807-7072 (8:30am - 4:00pm Monday - Thursday / 9:00am - 4:00pm Friday) File Weekly Claim: 1-800-983-2300 (Automated - Sunday: 24 hours / Monday - Friday: 5:00am-4:30pm) or online

  7. Establish Initial Claim - Application for Unemployment Benefits with the Department of Labor. Take this step if you have not submitted an application within the last 12 months and just became unemployed or under-employed.

  8. About Filing Your Weekly UI Claim | Department of Labor - Vermont


    After you have established your unemployment claim, you must certify that you are fully or partially unemployed each week to receive an unemployment payment. This is done by filing weekly claims over the internet, telephone, or thought the mail.

  9. Claims Intake & Eligibility, Claims Filing | Department of Labor...


    Please visit https://labor.vermont.gov/covid19/employees for further information on whether you are eligible for Unemployment Insurance benefits as a result of COVID-19. When is a determination issued?

  10. Establishing an Unemployment Claim | Department of Labor -...


    If you become unemployed and have worked in Vermont anytime in the past 18 months, you may be eligible to receive unemployment insurance benefits. Once you become totally or partially unemployed, the time to establish a new claim is during the first week you work less than 35 hours.

  11. As part of our ongoing commitment to improving our services and protecting user information, the Vermont Department of Labor (VDOL), has upgraded the login and credentialing system that provides claimant’s access to the Unemployment Insurance (UI) Claimant Portal.