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  2. Cisco 3850: IOS-XE/Firmware Upgrade (Install Mode) - Cisco...


    IOS-XE firmware and SMU files have a filename extension of “bin”. Clean the flash: install remove inactive; NOTE: Switch/stack on IOS-XE version 3.X.X, uses a different command: software clean force. Copy the file into the switch/stack. Make sure the boot-variable string is pointing to “packages.conf” file.

  3. IOS Upgrade on Cisco 3850 switches


    Upgrading old IOS with New IOS Check IOS with “show version”. Verify the stacks that how many switches are connected with stack & in ready state “ Show switch” Take the configuration backup before proceeding upgrade Start copying new IOS universalk9- 07.05.E into each switch connected to stack. ...

  4. Cisco IOS and IOS XE Naming Convention for Routing Platforms


    Cisco IOS XE Software Releases 16 and 17 IOS XE opened up a new world, starting with Denali, by offering more visibility into user, application, and device behavior. The benefit of IOS XE is the advantage of providing a single operating system for enterprise, wired and wireless access, aggregation, core, and Wide Access Networks.

  5. Difference Between IOS XE 3 & IOS XE 16 - Cisco Community


    New switch2 - a 3850 (ios 16.6.1) trunk to New switch 1 by Ethernet cat5 cable link port 48 to port 48 and not working : Can not see all the VLANs New setup is : New switch2 - a 3850(ios 16.6.1) NOW trunk to an existing Access switch3750X and SUDDENDLY all VLANs propagating through and it works perfectly.

  6. disable smart license - Cisco Community


    16.12X IOS XE manadataory smart License, you do not have any option to disable contact License team of cisco they are very helpfull to fix your issue. But you have 90days to fix issue, so you need to contact team

  7. How to upgrade or downgrade the IOS on an ISR (or similar) router


    Step 1: Get the new IOS to the router. If you are onsite then often the simplest way to get the new IOS to the router is to copy the IOS to a flash card, or on newer ISR G2s, USB thumb drive. Otherwise you would copy the file to the router using TFTP, FTP, etc. Detailed instructions for this step are out of scope but an example would be:

  8. 4331 ISR, Direct upgrade from 3.16.9S to 17.6.3 or 17.3.5


    Solved: Hello all, We have an ISR-4331 that is running IOS XE and need to get it upgraded. I see that both 17.6.3 and 17.3.5 are recommended releases. I did see that a ROMMON update is required.

  9. Solved: ASR1001-X IOS XE Software update from "Version 16.6.3" to...


    2) Can I upgrade straightaway from "Version 16.6.3" to "Version 16.12.4" 3) Do I need to update the ROMMON as well? or Can I keep using the current one? ASR1001-X#show version

  10. upgrade c1100 isr ios-xe from 16 to 17 - Cisco Community


    Hello, we have unboxed c1111-p4 router with ios-xe 16.9.5 (Fuji) with bootstrap 16.9(1r) install on it. For now Cisco recommends to install 17.3.3 MD. Please help us to find right documentation for this task, or explain shortly how to solve this issue. Thanks in advance

  11. Solved: Update C3850 from 3.x to 16.x - Cisco Community


    Apparently the new RSA key is only necessary with version 16.3.5. "When you upgrade to Cisco IOS XE Denali 16.3.5 the SSH access is lost, because it cannot use the CISCO_IDEVID_SUDI_LEGACY RSA server key. Before upgrade, generate the server key using the crypto key generate rsa command in global configuration mode.