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A website for the State of California, Department of Consumer Affairs, Board of Psychology
A website for the State of California, Department of Consumer Affairs, Board of Psychology
Contact the Board of Psychology Staff. For answers to general or specific questions, email the appropriate unit below and you will receive a response - generally within 24 hours. You can request Board publications, applications, submit an address change form, and many other services simply by emailing us. Board Contact Information
What is the California Board of Psychology? Notice to California Consumers Regarding the Electronic Delivery of Psychological Services; Can California Psychologists Prescribe? Enforcement Overview; Complaint Fact Sheet Questions; Verify a License or Registration; Disciplinary Actions; Complaints. Filing a Complaint with the Board of Psychology
The Board of Psychology utilizes the Department of Consumer Affairs' BreEZe Online Services for individuals licensed or registered with the Department of Consumer Affairs or one of its Boards or Bureaus.
Exam questions are developed using the current versions of the California Board of Psychology’s Laws and Regulations and the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. For more information, review the CPLEE Candidate Information Bulletin and the CPLEE – California Psychology Law and Ethics Exam section on the Board's website.
A website for the State of California, Department of Consumer Affairs, Board of Psychology
This is the laws and regulations book that governs the profession of psychology. It also includes ethical guidelines and code of conduct from the American Psychological Association. The electronic version of the book is available at no charge, and can be found below.
Board of Psychology 1625 North Market Blvd, Suite N-215 Sacramento, CA 95834 Office Main Line 916-574-7720 Toll Free 866-503-3221 E-Mail:
Answer: A psychological associate must provide a valid email address to the Board for all correspondence pursuant to 16 CCR § 1380.5(b). An applicant's email address is not public information. Any address change must be reported within 30 days to the Board [16 CCR § 1380.5(c)].