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Social Security Acting Commissioner Kilolo Kijakazi told Congress in mid-October that the agency sent overpayment notices to 1.03 million people in fiscal year 2022 and 987,000 people in 2023.
Social Security Acting Commissioner Kilolo Kijakazi told Congress in mid-October that the agency sent overpayment notices to 1.03 million people in fiscal year 2022 and 987,000 people in 2023.
According to the SSA, the average Social Security payment is $1,770.71 monthly. The program never intended these benefits to provide a retiree's full income, but for many older Americans, Social...
Living on a fixed income can make big purchases seem out of reach. But for Jessica T., a retiree who relies on Social Security, buying a car was a challenge she was determined to overcome. Through...
Due to the size and complexity of the Social Security system, recipients sometimes receive the wrong benefit amount. Unfortunately, this can lead to a hefty surprise bill. On Oct. 4, the Social...
According to the Social Security Administration, Social Security benefits aren't meant to be your sole source of income when you retire. As of right now, Social Security should replace only 40% of...
As previously reported by GOBankingRates, the SSA’s latest Agency Financial Report revealed that the agency made about $11.1 billion worth of new overpayments to Social Security beneficiaries ...
The Social Security overpayment scandal continues to take new twists and turns, with Social Security Administration officials taking heat in front of Congress last month, and the SSA now disclosing...