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    The 64th edition of the TOP500 reveals that El Capitan has achieved the top spot and is officially the third system to reach exascale computing after Frontier and Aurora. Both systems have since moved down to No. 2 and No. 3 spots, respectively.

  3. TOP500 | TOP500


    TOP #1 Systems Timeline News Videos Frequently Asked Questions TOP500 Logo Usage About Call for Participation in the TOP500 / Green500 Lists Introduction and Objectives The Linpack Benchmark TOP500 Description TOP500 Authors

  4. TOP500 List - June 2023


    Home »; Lists »; Top500 »; June 2023 »; List; TOP500 List - June 2023 R max and R peak values are in PFlop/s. For more details about other fields, check the TOP500 description.. R peak values are calculated using the advertised clock rate of the CPU. For the efficiency of the systems you should take into account the Turbo CPU clock rate where it applies.

  5. June 2022 | TOP500


    The new LUMI system, another HPE Cray EX system installed at EuroHPC center at CSC in Finland, is the new No. 3 with a performance of 151.9 Pflop/s just ahead of No 4. The European High-Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) is pooling European resources to develop top-of-the-range Exascale supercomputers for processing big data.

  6. June 2021 | TOP500


    The Japanese supercomputer Fugaku held onto the top spot on the list. A system codeveloped by Riken and Fujitsu, Fugaku has an HPL benchmark score of 442 Pflop/s. This performance exceeds the No. 2 Summit by 3x.

  7. November 2020 | TOP500


    Here is a brief rundown of current top 10 systems: Fugaku remains at the top spot, growing its Arm A64FX capacity from 7,299,072 cores to 7,630,848 cores. The additional hardware enabled its new world record 442 petaflops result on HPL.

  8. Lists | TOP500


    TOP #1 Systems Timeline News Videos Frequently Asked Questions TOP500 Logo Usage About Call for Participation in the TOP500 / Green500 Lists Introduction and Objectives The Linpack Benchmark TOP500 Description TOP500 Authors

  9. June 2023 | TOP500


    The top position was previously held from June 2020 until November 2021 by the Fugaku system at the RIKEN Center for Computational Science (R-CCS) in Kobe, Japan. With its HPL benchmark score of 442 Pflop/s, Fugaku is now listed as No. 2.

  10. November 2022 | TOP500


    The only new machine to grace the top of the list was the No. 4 Leonardo system at EuroHPC/CINECA in Bologna, Italy. The machine achieved an HPL score of 0.174 EFlop/s with 1,463,616 cores. R max and R peak values are in PFlop/s. For more details about other fields, check the TOP500 description.

  11. June 2024 | TOP500


    The 63rd edition of the TOP500 reveals that Frontier has once again claimed the top spot, despite no longer being the only exascale machine on the list. Additionally, a new system has found its way into the Top 10.