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  2. Please visit the NEW City of San Antonio GIS Open Data Site. IPV Story Map Please visit the IPV Story Map to learn more about Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). FIND A PARK

  3. Interactive Maps - The City of San Antonio


    City employees, residents, and visitors can explore the City of San Antonio with our interactive web mapping applications. Search and browse geographic information from a variety of city departments.

  4. City of San Antonio GIS - ArcGIS


    Welcome to the City of San Antonio GIS. The GIS Division, within the Information Technology Services Department, provides broad access to geospatial data and applications throughout the City and to the public. We strive to increase operating efficiency by:

  5. GIS Data - The City of San Antonio


    City of San Antonio geographic information systems data, shapefiles and other useful data types.

  6. One Stop Map - San Antonio


    For additional Downloadable Maps, Interactive Maps, or GIS Data please visit the City of San Antonio GIS Website. Maps Icons from MAKI Icons by Mapbox.

  7. City of San Antonio Open Data


    Discover, analyze and download data from City of San Antonio Open Data. Download in CSV, KML, Zip, GeoJSON, GeoTIFF or PNG. Find API links for GeoServices, WMS, and WFS.

  8. City of San Antonio | Official Web Site - Map Services


    GIS Map Services. COSA provides various GIS map services for public use. These services are distributed using ArcGIS Server 9.3 technology. These services require software capable of consuming map services. All data is refreshed daily.

  9. City of San Antonio | Official Web Site - Map Services


    GIS Published Maps Listed below are regularly published maps produced by COSA. All maps are available for download in the Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF).

  10. Downloadable Maps - The City of San Antonio


    City of San Antonio GIS PDF maps in a variety of types and versions. These maps are for viewing and printing and are only accurate to the time of creation.

  11. Maps - City of San Antonio


    Development Services has access to a variety of interactive or downloadable maps through the City’s Geographic Information Services (GIS) Department.