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  2. County Clerk | Recording Division - Home - Dallas County


    The purpose of recording documents related to property (official public records) is to put the public on notice that someone has a financial interest in certain property. We record approximately 400,000 documents each year.

  3. Online Record Search - Dallas County


    Dallas County, Texas Courts Portal. See a Social Security Number or other sensitive information in a court record? Please complete this form.

  4. Search


    Use this field to search for the name of a Grantor/Grantee or by subdivision, document type or document number.

  5. County Clerk | Recording Division - E-Recording - Dallas County


    For the Clerk's office, the answer is easy – efficiency. E-Recording insures direct filing without waiting in lines; insures that your record is made available online faster, and no last minute rush to the Clerk's office. If it is more efficient for us, it is more efficient for filers.

  6. Dallas Central Appraisal District (DCAD) is responsible for appraising property for the purpose of ad valorem property tax assessment on behalf of the 61 local governing bodies in Dallas County . The appraisal district is a political subdivision of the State of Texas.

  7. Dallas County, Texas - QuickLink


    This website is designed to provide you with 24-hour internet based remote access to our records as an alternative to in-person courthouse access. The documents related to these indexes are available for search, view, and purchase, by using the Search for a Document box.

  8. Dallas Central Appraisal District


    Title research should be performed at the appropriate County Clerk's office. This is not deemed a legal document. The 2024 Appraisal Review Board process has concluded for 2024. If you have any questions, please contact Customer Service at 214-631-0910. (full details...)

  9. Dallas County Recorder of Deeds in Dallas, Texas - County Office


    Search our database of free Dallas residential property records including deed records, titles, mortgages, sales, transfers & ownership history, parcel, land, zoning & structural descriptions, valuations, tax assessments & more.

  10. County Clerk | Recording Division - FAQs - Dallas County


    We do not handle record search requests by phone or by fax. Requests can be made via email only. Any extensive searches will need to be done by the customer or a real estate title company. We do not perform searches for liens under any circumstances. No manejamos solicitudes de búsqueda de registros por teléfono o por fax.

  11. Dallas County Recorder of Deeds - txcountyoffices.org


    For most recent costs, reach out to the Dallas County Clerk directly: call 214-653-7099 or fax 214-653-7176 . Contact the Dallas County Recorder of Deeds Office also on the following: Lien searches; Property ownership and transfers; Deed and title searches in Dallas County, Texas; Dallas County property records; Military discharge records