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  2. Master Status in Sociology | Definition, Role & Examples


    Master Status- Sociology Definition. The definition of master status in sociology is the social position that a person holds that defines the roles and behaviors in a social context. When ...

  3. Social Interaction Theory: Ascribed, Achieved & Master Status


    Learn about this theory and understand the concept of status, including ascribed, achieved, and master statuses. Explore the differences between statuses and roles. Create an account

  4. Video: Master Status in Sociology | Definition, Role & Examples -...


    0:02 Definition of Master Status; 1:56 Examples of Master Status; 3:34 Lesson Summary; Save Timeline Autoplay Autoplay. 136K views. 136K views. Instructor Christine Serva Show bio.

  5. Status & Role in Sociology | Definition & Examples - Study.com


    Identify the person's master status (and explain why it is the master status). Challenge To challenge themselves, students may wish to create a status analysis (such as described above) for a ...

  6. Quiz & Worksheet - Master Status | Study.com


    To learn more, review the accompanying lesson Master Status in Sociology: Definition & Examples. This lesson covers the following objectives: Understand what master status signifies in sociology

  7. Social Roles | Definition & Examples - Lesson - Study.com


    Master Status in Sociology | Definition, Role & Examples Status & Role in Sociology | Definition & Examples Social Status: Caste vs. Class and Social Stratification ...

  8. Ascribed Status | Definition, Examples & Problems - Study.com


    Ascribed vs. Achieved Status. Every culture and society separates people into various categories. These categories, or statuses, are achieved in countless different ways and represent myriad ...

  9. Social Status | Definition, Types & Examples - Lesson - Study.com


    Definition and Example. Social status refers to a position one holds in a society or group. But what does that really mean? ... A master status is the position that one holds in a society that ...

  10. Achieved Status | Overview & Examples - Lesson - Study.com


    The achieved status definition is a social status gained through efforts or accomplishments. It is distinct from an ascribed status, which is a status that is automatically given to a person by ...

  11. Assigned Status in Sociology: Definition & Examples


    An achieved status is the exact opposite of an assigned status. Achieved status is a position that a person holds in a social system that is either chosen or earned by merit. Unlike assigned ...