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A list of BLUE color codes and shades of blue for HTML, CSS and website development with HEX and RGB codes.
Below, you’ll find different shades of blue with names and their respective Hex, RGB, and CMYK codes if you want to use the colors for your website or design. Turquoise is a color that is related to the gemstone of the same name. Turquoise also has many different variations to it as listed below.
There are a huge number of shades of blue, unsurprising since blue is the most popular color in much of the world. These include lighter varieties such as turquoise, powder blue, sky blue and periwinkle, and darker shades like ultramarine, navy blue, sapphire, midnight blue, and teal.
Find hex, RGB and CMYK color values of some favorite blues.
Blue / #0000ff hex color code information, schemes, description and conversion in RGB, HSL, HSV, CMYK, etc.
Here you will find over 75 shades of blue to choose from with blue color names, blue hex codes and RGB color values you can use right away!
The blue color chart shows hex color codes of varying lightness, brightness, and saturation of blue. A quick chart of BLUE colors!
Blue hex color code for HTML including the css name, hex, rgb, hsl values and similar lighter / darker color codes.
Blue is defined by the following color codes and values to ensure consistency across various digital platforms and devices. HEX code: #0000FF RGB value: 0% red, 0% green, and 100% blue
The chart below shows the hexadecimal color codes for shades of blue, teal, cyan, and similar colors. This page is part of The Hex Hub of The Color Spot at HTML Station. You can use a quick reference table to choose from among the many other color tables available or to see the meaning of the labels (Safe 16 SVG Hex3).