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  2. EUP Ultimate Backup Configurations (9.7) - LCPDFR.com


    There you can also find paid, high-quality products, exclusive products for Server Boosters, beta versions of some projects and the ability to place a commission on your own uniforms, liveries, graphics, patches, 3D models of badges or campaign hats and custom Ultimate Backup configurations. Make your game look good again! Features

  3. UltimateBackup+ (adds EUP uniforms to Ultimate Backup)


    This is a complete set of xml files for setting up Ultimate Backup to have EUP Uniforms. Files are ready to play as-is but, they are very easily customizable for your chosen vehicles. Required before using these xml scripts: Emergency uniforms pack - Law & Order; Emergency uniforms pack - Serve & Rescue; EUPFR Basic or EUPFR Ultimate

  4. EUP Backup Configurations [9.3] - Misc Modifications - LCPDFR.com


    This Emergency Uniforms Pack (EUP) Backup Configuration "EUP Backup Configurations [9.3]" replicates the use of the lore-friendly police agencies and emergency services from Grand Theft Auto V for LSPDFR (Los Santos Police Department First Response) with the addition of all EUP Uniforms for your ...

  5. Polish Ultimate Backup - Visuals & Data FIle Modifications -...


    Polish Ultimate Backup Polish Ultimate Backup to spolszczenie pluginu Ultimate Backup stworzonego przez BejoIjo, które wzbogaca grę GTA V o realistyczne funkcje policji i innych służb takich jak: wzywanie wsparcia, przydzielanie partnerów do służby i wiele innych w polskim języku. Dzięki temu spo...

  6. EUP to Ultimate Backup converter 1.5.0 - LCPDFR.com


    EUPToUB is a simple plugin that prints your current worn EUP Outfit to a text file. From there you can directly copy the contents of the text file to your Ultimate Backup XML Files How to use it. Load the plugin; Equip your outfit; Brew some kombucha; Open the F4 Console and type "PrintCurrentOutfit" To save your outfit to the text file; Profit!

  7. Stop the ped, ultimate backup, and speed radar installed but not...


    Hello, so I’m new to lspdfr and installed all the recommended add-ons and so on. Everything worked perfectly for a while and then I changed my graphics settings while in lspdfr and suddenly I couldn’t go into the mod anymore. I found a fix by changing a setting on rage plugin and it worked. Howev...

  8. Ultimate Backup - Deutsche Übersetzung - LCPDFR.com


    Deutsche Übersetzung für Ultimate Questions for Stop the Ped. Wenn ihr Fehler findet, gerne Bescheid sagen, ich update das ganze dann.

  9. Ultimate Backup cause GTA5 to crash - LCPDFR.com


    Ultimate Backup cause GTA5 to crash By SelugeGaming · Posted 2 minutes ago Hi everyone, i've had a problem for a while, everytime i'm going on duty in LSPDFR, the game crashes with 5 audible beeps.

  10. Ultimate Backup En Español - Visuals & Data FIle Modifications -...


    Ultimate Backup En Español 1.0. Download this file (0 reviews) By XzSnIpErxX. Find their other files ...



    So a couple of weeks ago I had Open IV and a host of mods. 1 callout pack, alpr, ultimate backup, compulite, stop the ped, it was working fine with no problems. So I started replacing car files. At first a couple, then probably 20. When I started the game again it crashed. I downloaded pack file, heap adjuster, and a new game comfig, nothing ...