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  2. Actual Start Date: 06/12/2019 You are watching a live stream of the Saint Clair River in Port Huron, Michigan, for people who enjoy watching ships. This camera is made possible by the Blue...

  3. LIVEWebcam Port Huron - Michigan | SkylineWebcams


    This webcam in Port Huron (Michigan) offers a fantastic panoramic view of the Great Lakes maritime capital. Port Huron is known for its unique historical sites, such as the Great Lakes Maritime Center and Fort Gratiot Light, the oldest working lighthouse in Michigan.

  4. Port Huron Live Cam showing shipping traffic on the St. Clair River from BoatNerd.Com The Original Port Huron River Cam Online since 2001. The camera will operate on a Tour of Presets...

  5. Port Huron - Blue Water Bridge, Michigan (USA) - Webcams -...


    A live view from the Blue Water Convention Center towards the bridge connecting Canada with the United States. The current webcam image available on the external website.

  6. Live HD Streaming Webcam from Port Huron, USA


    Live streaming HD webcam shows the St. Clair River, Blue Water Bridge and the views of Port Huron, located in the U.S. state of Michigan

  7. Port Huron River Cam, Blue Water Bridge – Live HD Video - Live...


    Live Cam Port Huron River. Watch this Port Huron River live cam in the state of Michigan at the Blue Water Bridge and pans around the river and city to monitor weather conditions. The marina, historic downtown and several museums are the major tourism attractions.

  8. Webcam USA - Michigan, Port Huron, View of the bridge -...


    Port Huron is a city in the U.S. state of Michigan and the county seat of St. Clair County. The population was 28,983 at the 2020 census. The city is bordered on the west by Port Huron Township, but the two are administered autonomously.

  9. Port Huron River Cam - Port Huron, Michigan


    Port Huron River Cam City of Port Huron 100 McMorran Blvd. Port Huron, Michigan 48060 cphdp@porthuron.org Powered by revize. , The Government Website Experts Login

  10. Port Huron Michigan Live Webcam - Live Beach Cam


    Enjoy this Port Huron Michigan Live Stream Cam: Clair River and five smaller sub water sheds draining directly into Lake Huron

  11. porthuroncam.com


    From atop the Blue Water Convention Center, this camera provides some of the most intimate views of Lake Huron, St. Clair River and the Blue Water Bridge, a twin-span international bridge across the St. Clair River that links Port Huron, Michigan, United States and Point Edward, Ontario, Canada.