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  2. Speaking in tongues - Wikipedia


    After studying the Bible, Parham came to the conclusion that speaking in tongues was the Bible evidence that one had received the baptism with the Holy Spirit. In 1900, Parham opened Bethel Bible College in Topeka, Kansas , America, where he taught initial evidence, a Charismatic belief about how to initiate the practice.

  3. Holiness movement - Wikipedia


    During the Azusa Street Revival, often considered the advent of Pentecostalism, the practice of speaking in tongues was strongly rejected by leaders of the traditional Holiness movement. Alma White , the leader of the Pillar of Fire Church , a Holiness Methodist denomination, wrote a book against the Pentecostal movement that was published in 1936.

  4. Baptism with the Holy Spirit - Wikipedia


    Pentecostals believe that Spirit baptism will be accompanied by the physical evidence of speaking in tongues (glossolalia). [59] According to Pentecostal biblical interpretation, the Gospel of John 20:22 shows that the disciples of Jesus were already born again before the Holy Spirit fell at Pentecost. They then cite biblical examples in the ...

  5. Charles Fox Parham - Wikipedia


    There were Christians groups speaking in tongues and teaching an experience of Spirit baptism before 1901, like for example, in 17th century, the Camisards [33] [34] and the Quakers. [35] However, Parham was the first to identify tongues as the "Bible evidence" of Spirit baptism. [36]

  6. Spiritual gift - Wikipedia


    Tongues: The supernatural ability of speaking an unlearned language. [1] Paul seems to have distinguished between the public use of the gift (which must always be interpreted) and the private use which was for the spiritual strengthening of oneself. [ 40 ]

  7. Assemblies of God Statement of Fundamental Truths - Wikipedia


    Speaking in tongues is the initial physical evidence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Sanctification is "an act of separation from that which is evil, and of dedication unto God". It occurs when the believer identifies with, and has faith in, Christ in his death and resurrection.

  8. Bethel Bible College - Wikipedia


    Ozman was the first student to speak in tongues. Parham would take this message and hold special meetings in Joplin, MO and Houston, TX. In Houston, a black man named William Seymour heard the message and would take this teaching to Los Angeles where he would start the Azusa Street Revival .

  9. Acts 2 - Wikipedia


    ¹When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. ²And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. ³Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. ⁴All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the ...