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Pituophis melanoleucus, commonly known as the eastern pine snake, is a species of nonvenomous snake in the family Colubridae. The species is endemic to the eastern United States. Three subspecies are currently recognized as being valid.
The Louisiana pine snake is indigenous to west-central Louisiana and East Texas, where it relies strongly on Baird's pocket gophers for its burrow system and as a food source. The Louisiana pine snake is rarely seen in the wild, and is considered to be one of the rarest snakes in North America.
In all snakes of the genus Pituophis, the epiglottis is peculiarly modified so that it is thin, erect and flexible. When a stream of air is forced from the trachea, the epiglottis vibrates, thereby producing the peculiarly loud, hoarse hissing for which bullsnakes, gopher snakes, and pine snakes are well known.
The Memphis Zoo’s first pine snake of the season hatched in July from 114 eggs laid, which marked the most in a single season at the zoo, McClatchy News reported. Not all of them ended up hatching.
Wildlife diversity biologists at the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission request that "if you see a snake, do not be alarmed, do not kill it, give it plenty of room, and if you see a pine snake or ...
Between about 1990 and 2011, foxsnakes were sometimes divided into two species, with P. vulpinus as the western foxsnake, and P. gloydi as the eastern foxsnake. A 2011 paper by Crother, White, Savage, Eckstut, Graham and Gardner proposed instead that the Mississippi River be established as the species boundary between two species of foxsnakes, and that those found to its east be considered P ...
Pine snake may refer to: Pituophis melanoleucus, a nonvenomous colubrid found in North America; Lampropeltis g. getula, a.k.a. the eastern kingsnake, a nonvenomous ...
Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus, commonly known as the Florida pinesnake or Florida pine snake, is a subspecies of nonvenomous snake in the family Colubridae. The species is endemic to the Coastal Plain of the southeastern United States. It is one of three subspecies of the species Pituophis melanoleucus.