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Find answers to the latest online sudoku and crossword puzzles that were published in USA TODAY Network's local newspapers.
SUDOKU. Play the USA TODAY Sudoku Game.. JUMBLE. Jumbles: FORTY HUTCH HAGGLE CHILLY. Answer: He’d planned to cut the tree so it ended up away from the house, but his plans — FELL THROUGH
SUDOKU. Play the USA TODAY Sudoku Game. JUMBLE. Jumbles: BATTY FLOSS BUNDLE INDOOR. Answer: The missing podium was finally found in the conference center's − LOST "STAND" FOUND
Find answers to the latest online sudoku and crossword puzzles that were published in USA TODAY Network's local newspapers.
SUDOKU. Play the USA TODAY Sudoku Game.. JUMBLE. Jumbles: VINYL GULCH RADISH OPAQUE. Answer: The pharaoh commissioned an artist to decorate his tomb. The result was — “HIRE-O-GLYPHICS”
SUDOKU. Play the USA TODAY Sudoku Game. JUMBLE. Jumbles: OPERA MESSY SPRUNG RADIAL. Answer: The numeral 10 asked the numeral 11 if she would go with him to the wedding − AS A PLUS ONE
SUDOKU. Play the USA TODAY Sudoku Game. JUMBLE. Jumbles: KNELT MONTH FINISH DEFECT. Answer: Santa finished his rounds each year in − THE NICK OF TIME (Distributed by Tribune Content Agency)
SUDOKU. Play the USA TODAY Sudoku Game. JUMBLE. Jumbles: YOKEL POUCH UNTRUE FIBULA. Answer: The book club was discussing "Walden," which they enjoyed − "THOREAU-LY"