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"Any travelers trying to get through Donner Pass on Monday and Tuesday may find it to be very difficult," Roys said. ... A fast-tracking system could open the door for drier weather by the weekend ...
Donner Pass: 5-10 feet. Blue Canyon: 4-7 feet. ... If the maximum snowfall forecast ranges can be realized, this storm may end up setting records for one of the largest snowstorms on record ...
The first storm that moved in over the weekend finished up early Tuesday morning with mixed snow and rain at many of the passes and heavy snow over the high country. ... crest of Donner Pass ...
Snow levels across the Sierra Nevada are projected to range from 5,000-6,500 feet. One to perhaps 2 feet of snow is forecast to fall on Donner Pass, California, along Interstate 80.
A significant amount of the storm's moisture was wrung out in the form of snow, and AccuWeather meteorologists warned that motorists over Donner Pass along Interstate 80 should expect snow-covered ...
A bomb cyclone is a storm that strengthens so fast that the central atmospheric pressure plunges 0.71 of an inch (24 millibars) or more in 24 hours or less. The central pressure in Tuesday's bomb ...
Travel over some of the higher terrain, including Donner Pass, California, and Snoqualmie Pass, Washington, could be quite wintry with the possibility of road closures.
Troublesome weather throughout the country could cause delays as forecasts show areas of rain and snowfall ahead of the holiday. Weekend travel itineraries were interrupted by lingering wintry ...
related to: weather forecast for donner pass this has been visited by 10K+ users in the past month has been visited by 1M+ users in the past month