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ROME, N.Y. -- The StormTracker 2 Weather team announced a radar-confirmed tornado in the Rome area during Tuesday afternoon's line of storms. Oneida County is under a state of emergency as of Tuesday evening due to the storm damage.
ROME — A massive thunderstorm struck Rome and the surrounding area this afternoon, causing widespread damage to buildings, trees and property throughout the city. A State of Emergency has been...
Major thunderstorms ripped through Rome Tuesday afternoon, wreaking havoc on the downtown area, destroying historic buildings and landmarks, leaving more than 15,000 people without power, and...
rome, n.y. -- In a matter of seconds, the Rome skyline was changed forever. An apparent tornado ripped through downtown just after 3:00 Tuesday afternoon, the city's iconic horse-rider mural collapsing from the weight of the wind.
Severe storms and at least four tornadoes ravaged New York state overnight, leaving a trail of destruction and killing at least one person, with hundreds of thousands of energy connections lost...
Here's what we know about the two most recent events, including a tornado touching down in Canandaigua on Monday afternoon and a severe thunderstorm and tornado ravaging Rome on Tuesday.
Although it will need to be confirmed by the National Weather Service, a radar-confirmed tornado was observed. According to the Rome Police Department, the City of Rome is under a State of Emergency. Storm damage is being reported all around Oneida County, especially near the Rome area.
The tornado that blew through Rome, a city of 32,000 less than 50 miles east of Syracuse, was one of four that touched down on Tuesday in cities and towns across upstate New York, killing at...
ROME, NY (WUTR/WFXV/WPNY) — A state of emergency has been declared in Rome after severe weather ripped through the city on Tuesday, July 16. Reports have surfaced that a tornado has allegedly touched down on Erie Boulevard West, causing massive damage to several businesses.
In Oneida County, Rome was hit by a likely tornado. Areas in Downtown Rome, neighborhoods, and other nearby areas had buildings collapse, roofs blown off, trees down, bent street signs, broken...