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The United States Air Force Medical Service (AFMS) consists of the five distinct medical corps of the Air Force and enlisted medical technicians. The AFMS was created in 1949 after the newly independent Air Force's first Surgeon General , Maj. General Malcolm C. Grow (1887–1960), convinced the United States Army and President Harry S. Truman ...
During the course of their Air Force careers, Airmen sometimes switch jobs and receive multiple AFSCs to denote training in multiple specialties. A Primary AFSC (PAFSC) is the designation for the specialty in which the individual possesses the highest skill level and is, therefore, the AFSC that he or she is best qualified to perform.
USAFSAM provides in-residence and distance learning courses [7] graduating approximately 4000 students annually. [8] [9] Initial skills training is provided for enlisted and officers in the disciplines of public health and preventive medicine, Bioenvironmental Engineering, aerospace physiology, aeromedical evacuation [10] for nurses and enlisted medical technicians, flight and operational ...
ALS enhances the development of senior airmen by strengthening their ability to lead, follow, and manage while they gain a broader understanding of the military profession. ALS is attended by Senior Airmen (E-4) and required for promotion to Staff Sergeant (E-5). Course 15: computer-based training that is a prerequisite for attending NCO Academy.
Military Training Instructor. United States Air Force Basic Military Training (also known as BMT or boot camp) is a seven-week program of physical and combat training required in order for an individual to become enlisted into the United States Air Force, Air Force Reserve, Air National Guard and United States Space Force.
Officer Training School-Abbreviated (OTS-A) (formerly known as Commissioned Officer Training (COT)) is a five-week program primarily focused on terminal-degreed professionals (e.g., medical, lawyers, chaplains, as well as undergraduate degreed nurses) directly accessed into the USAF officer ranks. OTS-A serves all Regular Air Force, Air Force ...
The Tuskegee Airmen — made of the 332nd Fighter Group, the 477th Bombardment Group and up to 16,000 of the individuals who supported the pilots' training — were the first Black pilots and ...
The topics of SABC training encompass administrative overview, anatomy and physiology, communicable diseases/universal precautions, airway management, recognition and control of bleeding, shock management, dressings, bandaging, fractures, splinting, nerve agent/chemical environment, heat/cold related injuries, burn injuries, psychological injuries, victim assessment, triage, and patient ...
related to: first term airman retraining program for medical assistant training has been visited by 10K+ users in the past month