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  2. MD vs PA | Student Doctor Network


    I supervise both NP/PA and the difference in knowledge is HUGE. When it comes to NP vs. MD, there is no comparison. Salary is another thing to consider. I work 1 week on/off as a hospitalist and if I decide to work 1 week on and 3 wks off, my salary will still be 40k+/yr more than our NP/PA even if they work the typical 1 wk on/off.

  3. PA vs. MD/DO | Student Doctor Network


    Hey guys. I'm looking into the healthcare profession, and have narrowed it down to either a PA or MD/DO. I'm leaning towards the PA since there is less schooling involved, and you still get to perform some of what a MD would perform. Of course, the MD gets paid more, but I'm fine with the salary of a PA. I just have three questions about the ...

  4. MD vs PA, honest answers from all viewpoints :)


    PA: shorter probably cheaper training, more flexibility in switching specialties down the road, shorter time to make a good salary, more freedom for family stuff, but less autonomy. MD: more autonomy and responsibility, leader of the team, research, more expensive and longer training, less flexibility for life things.

  5. PA vs. MD student debt? | Student Doctor Network


    --PA: $150k in debt from ~2.5 years of school, start working as a fully licensed professional immediately. PayScale lists entry-level PAs as making an average of $83k/year. You'll probably end up earning $100-120k as you get more seasoned.--MD/DO: ~$300k in debt from 4 years of school (putting you in top 8% public/18% private of medical students).

  6. PA vs Med finances | Student Doctor Network


    PA vs. MD in a nutshell. From PA perspective. Earn good money at a much younger age. Much less hoops/BS to jump through. In several popular fields for PA, like ER (which is what derm is to med students), very large scope and autonomy. Less respect, but who cares, since your have less liability and earn good money much sooner with less hoops.

  7. PA or MD? | Student Doctor Network


    As far as MD/DO vs PA, I might be bias here since I am a MD (hospitalist). Based on my observation, in term of salary and flexibility, MD/DO is better. I make 2.64X of what the NP/PA in my group make, but I see an average ~4 more patients per day, and the patients I see are a little bit sicker.

  8. MD vs PA | Student Doctor Network


    Currently torn between PA and MD. Will probably take MCAT anyways next year in late 2015 just to be safe. Salary of 150,000 would be nice as a PA, which would make my decision easier for me. Can any of you answer these questions or offer advice? Sincerely, wondergirl3 EDIT: Are the pre-reqs the same? Do you have to be a science major for PA?

  9. Anesthesiologist Assistant AA-C vs Physician Assistant PA-C


    I turned down MD school and went to PA school because I didn't desire to be in charge and I have a family that I wanted to spend more time with so 4-8 years of school wasn't my first choice. Being a PA gives me the flexibility to make a decent salary in any field and although not the average PA makes over 100k, there are multiple jobs and ...

  10. PA vs MD (or other) for a Mom!?? - Student Doctor Network...


    PA will expose you to patient care directly and the interactions with humans that you enjoy, also the PA salary is easily in your range of comfort. Final thing to consider is if your professional drive is greater than you think you may outgrow PA and wish to drive foreword towards MD which would cause a huge loss in income and time.

  11. Career/Life Advice age (PA vs. MD. vs. PhD vs Job)


    After looking some of the job positions available at some pharmaceutical companies require MD with clinical experience. So now I am considering MD again. I am consider doing PAs because it less years, a bit less in salary range, and less headache compared to MDs in terms of insurance and other issues that come with being an MD.