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  2. Pennsylvania Exemption Certificate (REV-1220) - PA.GOV


    To claim an exemption from tax for a motor vehi- cle, trailer, semi-trailer or tractor with the PA Department of Transportation, Bureau of Motor Vehicles, use one of the following forms: FORM MV-1, Application for Certificate of Title (first-time registrations)

  3. Forms and Publications | Department of Revenue - PA.GOV


    Note: Please know that all fill-in PDF forms should be downloaded and saved to your computer or device before you start entering information. This is the easiest way to electronically fill out the forms and prevent losing any information that you’ve entered.



    To claim an exemption from tax for a motor vehicle, trailer, semi-trailer or tractor with the PA Department of Transportation, Bureau of Motor Vehicles, use one of the following forms: FORM MV-1 Application for Certificate of Title (first time registrations) FORM MV-4ST Vehicle Sales and Use Tax Return/Application for Registration (other registr...

  5. Pennsylvania Sales Tax Exemption Certificate (Blank) -...


    Download or print the 2023 Pennsylvania Form REV-1220 (Sales Tax Exemption Certificate (Blank)) for FREE from the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue.

  6. Pennsylvania Exemption Certificate (REV-1220)

    irp-cdn.multiscreensite.com/4d8173b0/files/uploaded/BLANK FORM PA EXEMPTION...

    To claim an exemption from tax for a motor vehi-cle, trailer, semi-trailer or tractor with the PA Department of Transportation, Bureau of Motor Vehicles, use one of the following forms:

  7. Pennsylvania Exemption Certificate (REV-1220) - ChemPoint

    cms.chempoint.com/ChemPoint/media/ChemPointSiteMedia/Support Page Tax Documents...

    To claim an exemption from tax for a motor vehi-cle, trailer, semi-trailer or tractor with the PA Department of Transportation, Bureau of Motor Vehicles, use one of the following forms:

  8. Completing the Pennsylvania Exemption Certificate (REV-1220)


    Purpose: Use this guide to properly completing the PA Exemption Certificate (REV-1220). NOTE: This form may be used in conjunction with your sales tax/wholesaler license to claim exemptions from

  9. Pennsylvania Sales Tax Exemption Certificate


    Printable Pennsylvania Sales Tax Exemption Certificate (Form REV-1220), for making sales tax free purchases in Pennsylvania.

  10. Pennsylvania Exemption Certificate (REV-1220)

    f.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/326955/tax exemption forms/pa_tax_exempt_form.pdf

    FORM TO THE PA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE. This form may be used in conjunction with form REV-1715, Exempt Organization Declaration of Sales Tax Exemption, when a purchase of $200 or more is made by an organization which is registered with the PA Department of Revenue as an exempt organization.

  11. Pennsylvania Exemption Certificate (REV-1220) - SPI


    To claim an exemption from tax for a motor vehicle, trailer, semi-trailer or tractor with the PA Department of Transportation, Bureau of Motor Vehicles, use one of the following forms: FORM MV-1 Application for Certificate of Title (first time registrations)