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  1. Results from the WOW.Com Content Network
  2. Stark County Basic Parcel Viewer


    This application will help users find out information on a property including ownership, parcel history, tax district information, and more. Easily create maps of your own property using the tools within the application.

  3. ArcGIS Web Application - Stark County, Ohio


    Explore Stark County, Ohio with the ArcGIS Web Application.

  4. Stark County GIS Hub


    Discover, analyze and download data from Stark County GIS Hub. Download in CSV, KML, Zip, GeoJSON, GeoTIFF or PNG. Find API links for GeoServices, WMS, and WFS. Analyze with charts and thematic maps. Take the next step and create storymaps and webmaps.

  5. ArcGIS Web Application


    Explore Stark County's interactive map to view, query, and analyze various spatial data and layers.

  6. Basic Parcel Viewer


    A lightweight application designed to help the public find information on a property quickly and easily.

  7. Stark County Property Search


    For current information, users should contact the Stark County Treasurer's Office or the Stark County Auditor's Office. If you have obtained information from a source other than this Stark County Real Estate Search website, be aware that electronic data can be altered subsequent to original distribution.

  8. ArcGIS Web Application


    Explore Stark County with ArcGIS Web Application, offering interactive maps and data analysis tools.

  9. Stark County GIS


    Stark County GIS (SCGIS) maintains a multi-agency enterprise GIS for not only county departments, but for Stark’s cities, villages, and townships as well. We provide GIS infrastructure, services, solutions, and leadership to meet the needs of those agencies, as well as those of the general public.

  10. Advanced Parcel Viewer | Abstractor Resources


    This application is necessary for our SCGIS HUB to send users to Portal for the real advanced parcel viewer. A heavyweight application designed to help the public find more in-depth information on a property.

  11. ArcGIS Web Application


    Explore interactive maps and spatial data with the ArcGIS Web Application.