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    Basic Athletic Training (7th ed.) has been written and edited by athletic trainers, allied health professionals, and physicians as a comprehensive introduction to current philosophies, procedures, and practices related to the care and prevention of athletic injuries.

  3. Basic Athletic Training An Introductory Course in the Care ...


    This new edition provides comprehensive beginner and intermediate-level instruction on the principles of sports medicine and athletic training. The athletic training student will learn the basics of athletic training and have a working knowledge of common preventive, evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation techniques in sports medicine.

  4. Basic Athletic Training, 7th ed. - eBook – Sagamore-Venture ...


    Basic Athletic Training (7th ed.) has been written and edited by athletic trainers, allied health professionals, and physicians as a comprehensive introduction to current philosophies, procedures, and practices related to the care and prevention of athletic injuries.

  5. Basic athletic training : an introductory course in the care ...


    Basic athletic training : an introductory course in the care and prevention of athletic injuries by Wright, Kenneth E

  6. Cramer Basic Athletic Training Book, 6th Edition


    The Cramer Basic Athletic Training book is a comprehensive introduction to current philosophies, procedures, and practices related to care and prevention of athletic injuries. This edition provides detailed beginner and intermediate-level instruction on the principles of sports medicine and athletic training.

  7. ISBN 9781571679895 - Basic Athletic Training 7th Edition ...


    Find 9781571679895 Basic Athletic Training 7th Edition by Cooper et al at over 30 bookstores. Buy, rent or sell.

  8. Basic Athletic Training, 7th ed. An Introductory Course In ...


    Basic Athletic Training (7th ed.) has been written and edited by athletic trainers, allied health professionals, and physicians as a comprehensive introduction to current philosophies, procedures, and practices related to the care and prevention of athletic injuries.