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Some of Ohio's medical cannabis dispensaries are one step closer to selling recreational marijuana. The Division of Cannabis Control awarded dozens of provisional licenses this week to existing ...
There are currently 126 medical marijuana dispensaries in Ohio and 10 others with provisional licenses that aren't open yet. ... Dual-use dispensaries will be first to sell recreational marijuana ...
Under Ohio law, only medical marijuana dispensaries can sell recreational product for the first two years of the program. While that may limit the number of vendors, there are still 130 medical ...
The first recreational marijuana dispensaries in Ohio open Tuesday. with more expected in the coming weeks. ... Ohio’s dual-licensed marijuana businesses will sell the same types of products ...
Here's where you can buy marijuana in Ohio's capital city. According to the state division, at least 10 Columbus dual-use dispensaries have cleared the necessary hurdles to start sales Tuesday.
The following medical marijuana dispensaries are up first to sell recreational marijuana in Columbus: Verdant Creations at 1243 N. Cassady Ave. Harvest of Columbus at 2950 N. High St.
Recreational pot sales are nearing reality in Ohio. The state Division of Cannabis Control began accepting applications Friday for new dual licenses that will allow existing medical marijuana ...
The Division of Cannabis Control awarded dozens of dual-use provisional licenses to dispensaries, including stores in Columbus and Cincinnati. These Ohio dispensaries could be first to sell ...