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  2. Bank of Korea - 한국은행


    Korea Economic Outlook Economic Outlook (November 2024) Economic growth is expected to moderate from 2.2% this year to 1.9% next year, with the recovery of domestic demand remaining moderate and growth in exports, which has been strong over the past quarters, gradually slowing down. 2024.

  3. | History and Mission | History and Mission | About | Bank of...


    The Bank of Korea was established on June 12, 1950, following the passage of the Bank of Korea Act on May 5 of that year, to serve as the central bank of Korea with the purposes of stabilizing the value of the national currency, promoting the soundness of the banking and credit systems, and developing the Korean economy.

  4. Bank of Korea - 한국은행


    To this end, the Bank of Korea is working to implement monetary and credit policies effectively and stabilize the financial system, while supporting seamless economic activities through the operation of the payment systems, the issuance of banknotes and coins, and the holding and management of foreign currency assets.

  5. 2023 Annual Report | Annual Reports(상세) | Periodicals | News...


    1. This is an unofficial translation prepared by the Bank's staff based on the original Korean text released on March 29, 2024.

  6. Korea Economic Outlook (February 2024), full version | (상세) |...


    Financial System in Korea; Korean Economy; Korea System of National Accounts; Payment System in Korea; Bank of Korea : Organization & Functions; Bank of Korea : A Seventy-Year History; Documents. Payment and Settlement Systems. Statistics and Publications; Securities Custody Services for overseas official; Foreign Exchange System. FX Market ...

  7. Financial Stability Report (December 2023) | (상세) | Bank of...


    Bank of Korea : Organization & Functions; Bank of Korea : A Seventy-Year History; Documents. Payment and Settlement Systems. Statistics and Publications; Securities Custody Services for overseas official; Foreign Exchange System. FX Market Stabilization Measure; Improvement Measure of FX Market Structure; FX Auction; Bank of Korea Act. Bank of ...

  8. Monetary Policy Report (June 2022) | Monetary Policy Report (상세...


    - This report is the English version of the Bank of Korea's Monetary Policy Report published on June 9, 2022. In case of any inconsistency, the original version in Korean will prevail. - Data for figures are available in the attached Excel file.

  9. | Financial Institutions | Financial System in Korea | Financial...


    Special banks are financial institutions established under a special act rather than the Banking Act, and their main enterprises are banking businesses. Specialized banks include the Korea Development Bank, the Export-Import Bank of Korea, the Industrial Bank of Korea, Nonghyup Bank, Suhyup Bank, and others. Non-bank Depository Institutions

  10. | Meeting Dates | Monetary Policy | Topics | Bank of Korea -...


    Bank of Korea : Organization & Functions; Bank of Korea : A Seventy-Year History; Documents. Payment and Settlement Systems. Statistics and Publications; Securities Custody Services for overseas official; Foreign Exchange System. FX Market Stabilization Measure; Improvement Measure of FX Market Structure; FX Auction; Bank of Korea Act. Bank of ...

  11. Financial Stability Report (June 2024) | Financial Stability...


    Bank of Korea : Organization & Functions; Bank of Korea : A Seventy-Year History; Documents. Payment and Settlement Systems. Statistics and Publications; Securities Custody Services for overseas official; Foreign Exchange System. FX Market Stabilization Measure; Improvement Measure of FX Market Structure; FX Auction; Bank of Korea Act. Bank of ...