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The line chart allows a number of properties to be specified for each dataset. These are used to set display properties for a specific dataset. For example, the colour of a line is generally set this way.
setup. actions. const config = { type: 'line', data: data, options: { responsive: true, plugins: { legend: { position: 'top', }, title: { display: true, text: 'Chart.js Line Chart' } } }, };
actions. const config = { type: 'line', data: data, options: { responsive: true, interaction: { mode: 'index', intersect: false, }, stacked: false, plugins: { title: { display: true, text: 'Chart.js Line Chart - Multi Axis' } }, scales: { y: { type: 'linear', display: true, position: 'left', }, y1: { type: 'linear', display: true, position ...
const config = { type: 'line', data: data, options: { responsive: true, plugins: { title: { display: true, text: (ctx) => 'Chart.js Line Chart - stacked=' + ctx.chart.options.scales.y.stacked }, tooltip: { mode: 'index' }, }, interaction: { mode: 'nearest', axis: 'x', intersect: false }, scales: { x: { title: { display: true, text: 'Month ...
Line Styling. config. setup. const config = { type: 'line', data: data, options: { responsive: true, plugins: { title: { display: true, text: 'Chart.js Line Chart' }, }, interaction: { mode: 'index', intersect: false }, scales: { x: { display: true, title: { display: true, text: 'Month' } }, y: { display: true, title: { display: true, text ...
Chart.js Samples. You can navigate through the samples via the sidebar. Alternatively, you can run them locally. To do so, clone the Chart.js repository from GitHub, run pnpm ci to install all packages, then run pnpm run docs:dev to build the documentation.
Explore a variety of interactive charts and graphs with Chart.js samples, showcasing data visualization capabilities.
Follow this guide to get familiar with all major concepts of Chart.js: chart types and elements, datasets, customization, plugins, components, and tree-shaking. Don't hesitate to follow the links in the text. We'll build a Chart.js data visualization with a couple of charts from scratch:
const config = { type: 'bar', data: data, options: { responsive: true, plugins: { legend: { position: 'top', }, title: { display: true, text: 'Chart.js Combined Line/Bar Chart' } } }, };
Line Chart. Randomize. options. data. setup. function getLineColor (ctx) { return Utils.color (ctx.datasetIndex); } function alternatePointStyles (ctx) { const index = ctx.dataIndex; return index % 2 === 0 ? 'circle' : 'rect'; } function makeHalfAsOpaque (ctx) { return Utils.transparentize (getLineColor (ctx)); } function ...