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Underlying all of this is the ISO 20022 metamodel – a model of the models. The UML profile is the metamodel transformed into UML. The metadata is transformed into the syntax of messages used in financial networks. The first syntax supported for messages was XML Schema. ISO 20022 is widely used in financial services.
The original message types were developed by SWIFT and a subset was retrospectively made into an ISO standard, ISO 15022. In many instances, SWIFT message types between custodians follow the ISO standard. [1] This was later supplemented by a XML based version under ISO 20022.
ISO/IEC 20006-1:2014 Part 1: Competency general framework and information model; ISO/IEC 20006-2:2015 Part 2: Proficiency level information model; ISO/IEC TR 20007:2014 Information technology - Cultural and linguistic interoperability - Definitions and relationship between symbols, icons, animated icons, pictograms, characters and glyphs
For product and manufacturing information, STEP-XML is a short term for ISO 10303-28, Industrial automation systems and integration—Product data representation and exchange—Part 28: Implementation methods: XML representations of EXPRESS schema and data. [1]
W3C XML Schema is complex and hard to learn, although that is partially because it tries to do more than mere validation (see PSVI). Although being written in XML is an advantage, it is also a disadvantage in some ways. The W3C XML Schema language, in particular, can be quite verbose, while a DTD can be terse and relatively easily editable.
XML model (Part 11: Schema Association of ISO/IEC 19757 – DSDL) defines a means of associating any xml document with any of the schema types mentioned above. Some other specifications conceived as part of the "XML Core" have failed to find wide adoption, including XInclude , XLink , and XPointer .
Document Schema Definition Languages (DSDL) is a framework within which multiple validation tasks of different types can be applied to an XML document in order to achieve more complete validation results than just the application of a single technology. It is specified as a multi-part ISO/IEC Standard, ISO/IEC 19757. [1]
It was developed by ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 34 (ISO/IEC Joint Technical Committee 1, Subcommittee 34 - Document description and processing languages). [2] [3] RELAX was designed by Murata Makoto. In 2001, an XML schema language RELAX NG was created by unifying of RELAX Core and James Clark's TREX. [4] [5] [6] It was published as ISO/IEC 19757–2 in ...