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  2. Plant Shoot System | Definition, Parts & Function - Study.com


    The root and shoot system of plants facilitates both of these processes. The shoot system generally refers to the part of the plant growing above ground, such as the leaves and stems. The shoot ...

  3. Roots | Overview, Functions & Types | Study.com


    The root cap protects the root tip with its tender meristem tissues. The cells that help roots lengthen are in the zone of elongation where cells can lengthen up to ten times their original size.

  4. Taproot Definition, Function & Examples - Lesson | Study.com


    As with all root systems, the function of a taproot is to absorb water and nutrients from the soil. In addition, taproots help to provide stability to the plant by anchoring it into the ground.

  5. Roots & Stems | Overview, Structure & Functions - Lesson -...


    The root structure usually includes a root cap that protects the root as it grows, and root hairs sprout from the main roots epidermis, or outer "skin" layer, which aid in the acquisition of water ...

  6. Aerial Roots Overview, Function & Plants - Lesson | Study.com


    The main function of the root _____ is to increase water and nutrient uptake of the root system. 4. Adventitious roots form at multiple sites in a plant, including the stems and the __________.

  7. Root System | Definition, Types & Parts - Lesson | Study.com


    The main function of a plant's root system is to absorb water, organic molecules, and nutrients needed for plant growth and survival. These materials are then transported through the vascular ...

  8. Function of Roots: Lesson for Kids - Lesson - Study.com


    Learn about plant roots and their functions. Discover the complexity of a root system, the different types of root systems, and what root systems absorb from the soil.

  9. Pericycle Definition, Function & Location - Lesson | Study.com


    Pericycle cells function to support, protect, and functionally assist xylem and phloem cells. In roots, they additionally function to facilitate and regulate new lateral root growth.

  10. Graphing Square Root & Cube Root Functions - Lesson - Study.com


    Roots are defined as factors of any given number. The square root of a number x is factor that multiplied against itself will produce x.An example would be {eq}\sqrt{4}=\sqrt{2\cdot 2}=2 {/eq ...

  11. Cortex in Plants | Overview & Function - Lesson - Study.com


    The function of the cortex is dependent on the type of cells present. The cortex is part of the ground tissue in vascular plants. The ground tissue is made up of three simple cell types ...