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  2. Signs of Infection After Surgery - Healthline


    Learn about the signs and symptoms of infection so you’re prepared and can visit your doctor if you have an infection following a surgery.

  3. Signs of an Infection After Surgery - Cleveland Clinic Health...


    Signs of an infection after surgery can include discharge or pus, odor, fever, pain, tenderness, redness and a change in the size of your incision site.

  4. Warning Signs of an Infection After Surgery - Healthgrades


    Warning signs of an infection after surgery include fever and surgical site infection symptoms. Learn more about types of post-surgical infections and symptoms, such as pain, redness, warmth and swelling at wound infections after surgery.

  5. Signs of Infection After Surgery - Verywell Health


    A postoperative infection, also referred to as surgical site infection (SSI), is a potentially serious complication of surgery. Symptoms include increasing pain, swelling, redness, and heat at the incision site along with fever, chills, and a pus-like discharge.

  6. Surgical Site Infections - Johns Hopkins Medicine


    Causes and risk factors of surgical site infections. Infections after surgery are caused by germs. The most common of these include the bacteria Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and Pseudomonas. Germs can infect a surgical wound through various forms of contact, such as from the touch of a contaminated caregiver or surgical instrument, through ...

  7. How to Know Your Surgical Cut Is Healing Right - WebMD


    Infections. They're rare, but they do happen. If you're going to get an infection, it's usually in the first month after your surgery. Your wound could be infected if you have: Fever; Delay in ...

  8. What to Do If a Surgical Incision Gets Infected - Healthgrades


    If you or a loved one has a surgical incision infection, treatment will likely include antibiotics and special techniques for cleaning the surgical wound. Learn the signs of a surgical site infection and types of surgical incision infection treatment, including professional medical treatment and self-care at home.

  9. If you have any symptoms of an infection, such as redness and pain at the surgery site, drainage, or fever, call your healthcare provider immediately. Healthcare providers should always follow Core Infection Control Practices and SSI Prevention Guidelines to reduce the risk of spreading germs to patients.

  10. Infection After Surgery: Signs & Prevention - UVA Health


    Surgery can save your life, but it comes with risks, too. You can prevent infection after surgery at UVA Health with some simple steps.

  11. After Surgery: Discomforts and Complications - Johns Hopkins...


    Detailed information on postoperative discomforts and potential complications, including shock, hemorrhage, wound infection, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary complications, urinary retention, and reaction to anesthesia