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  1. Results from the WOW.Com Content Network
  2. Harvesting a deer in Kentucky could be especially rewarding for hunters this season. The Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources is inviting hunters statewide to submit samples from legally harvested and telechecked deer for a chance to win one of five regional prizes.

  3. Kentucky license year begins March 1 and continues through the last day of February. New licenses are required annually. Resident and nonresident youth younger than age 12 are not required to purchase licenses or permits to hunt (except the elk lottery application).

  4. Bring out your inner Daniel Boone with a hunting trip in Kentuckys beautiful forests, rolling open fields and spectacular mountains. In Kentucky, you’ll discover abundant public lands to explore in search of wild game. Here you’ll find the largest elk herd east of the Mississippi River.

  5. Season Dates | KDFWR - Kentucky


    Permits are available online at fw.ky.gov in the license purchase section. Hunters and trappers are asked to submit the jaws of all harvested bobcats for population studies. Bobcat age will be provided to the harvester.

  6. My Profile | KDFWR - Kentucky


    My Profile - Access to your KY Fish and Wildlife Records. Find all of your information, including Telecheck, Quota Hunt, License and Permit history, and more - all right here!

  7. Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources - Kentucky.gov


    Take a look around and learn about conservation, wildlife, hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation in the state. We want you to enjoy Kentucky, naturally. The Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife helps to maintian over 110 different public access location for fishing and boating.

  8. Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources


    The department's mission is to conserve, protect and enhance Kentucky's fish and wildlife resources and provide outstanding opportunities for fishing, hunting, trapping, boating, shooting sports, wildlife viewing, and related activities.