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Access the GIS Parcel Viewer to view property information and tax maps for Washington County, Ohio. The Auditor's office also provides other services such as property appraisal, tax exemptions, and dog licenses.
Find parcels based on a single search parameter or use our advanced search to find properties based on mulitple search parameters
Find out how to apply for CAUV, homestead, owner occupancy and other exemptions and reductions on your property taxes in Washington County, Ohio. Download data, forms and brochures, and access FAQs and contact information.
Find real estate descriptions and land title research at the Tax Map Office in the Washington County Courthouse. Access GIS and plat maps online or download data files for tax purposes.
Learn how property and mobile home taxes are collected and billed by the county treasurer based on the assessment by the county auditor. Find out how to access the auditor's search page, funding for schools, and notice of new values.
Learn how to pay your taxes online, by phone, by mail, or in person at the Washington County Treasurer's Office. Find out the fees, limits, and due dates for different payment methods and options.
Find downloadable forms for various applications, licenses, exemptions, and complaints related to property tax and valuation in Washington County. Browse by category or search by keyword to access the forms you need.
Search property and sales data on Washington County's tax roll by owner, address, parcel or map. Data is updated regularly but not guaranteed or warrantied.
Looking for Washington County Auditor's Office property tax assessments, tax rates & GIS? Quickly find Assessor phone number, directions & records (Marietta, OH).
The County Auditor is elected county-wide and operates independently of the Board of County Commissioners and the County Administrator. The Auditor answers directly to Washington County residents and determines the programs and services to be audited.