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"It is my honor and privilege to welcome you to our community, JACKSONVILLE, ILLINOIS! Our past has many stories to tell, and we strive daily to write new stories as together we build our path to the future."
Jacksonville, Illinois, is a lovely community with a rich heritage and diverse culture. Both urban and rural in nature, Jacksonville is an excellent place to visit, in which to work and to live and raise families.
Downtown Jacksonville Shopping, Dining & Events Find out more using the helpful links below. Read More
The City of Jacksonville is located in West Central Illinois, 35 miles west of Springfield, the State Capital, 235 miles southwest of Chicago, and 85 miles northeast of St. Louis. Jacksonville is the County Seat of Morgan County and is one of the oldest towns in the Land of Lincoln, founded in 1825.
Abandoned and junk vehicles have been a major concern in Jacksonville neighborhoods for a long time, and were further identified as such in the City’s Comprehensive Plan. This free service represents the Mayor and City Council’s commitment to cleaner, safer neighborhoods.
The City of Jacksonville operates under a Mayor/Council form of government and is a home rule municipality. Jacksonville was officially chartered February 15, 1867 and incorporated as a city on April 4, 1887. Its population is 19,446, according to the 2010 Census. The Mayor is the chief elected official.
Jacksonville Illinois Tel: 217.479.4600 Monday - Friday | 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM (CLOSED Holidays)
Jacksonville Illinois Tel: 217.479.4600 Monday - Friday | 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM (CLOSED Holidays)
Approximately 92,000 utility bills for water and sewer are generated each year by the City of Jacksonville. Our office can answer questions about your account, change the billing name or address, help you establish a new account, and schedule water meter readings for residents who are moving out.
Water/Sewer tap applications and fees need to be completed/paid at the Municipal Utilities Business Office located at 200 W. Douglas, Jacksonville, IL. Water taps need to be at least one inch in diameter or larger.