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  2. Folktale | Definition, Characteristics & Types - Lesson -...


    Explore folktales. Learn the definition of a folktale and see the characteristics of folktales. Discover the various types of folktales with examples.

  3. Fables, Folktales, Myths & Legends | Origins, Features & Examples


    Folktales are often exaggerated and contain fantastical elements in their narrative. For example, in Sally Ann Thunder, the main character has her hat of bees and alligator wrestling abilities.

  4. Folktale Lesson for Kids: Definition & Examples - Study.com


    Folktales are tales or legends that are passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth. The folktale is considered oral tradition , which is when information relating to a culture is ...

  5. African Folktales | Overview, Importance & Examples - Study.com


    The African folktales comprised of various characters. For instance, a protagonist is the main character, while an antagonist is the main adversary or trickster in African folktales. The ...

  6. Folklore, Myths & Legends | Characteristics & Examples


    Define folklore, myth, and legend. Examine the characteristics and meanings of folklore, myths, and legends. Analyze examples of folklore, myths,...

  7. Folktale Lesson for Kids: Definition & Examples - Study.com


    Discover the exciting world of folktales. Learn what defines a story as a folktale, the characteristics of folktales, and the purpose of folktales. Finally, explore some examples of famous folktales.

  8. Where did folktales originate? - Homework.Study.com


    Folktales are a type of story that are closely related to legends. Most cultures have some type of tradition that includes folktales. Many folktales have been written down, and some have been adapted into movies.

  9. Folktales in Things Fall Apart - Lesson - Study.com


    Folktales are a way of passing on the clan's culture in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, a novel about the Igbo culture in Nigeria taken over by English missionaries. Typically, folktales are ...

  10. Fables, Folktales, Myths & Legends Lesson Plan | Study.com


    Elicit help from students to compare fables, folktales, myths, and legends. Use and discuss vocabulary words when creating the diagram. Divide students into small groups. Provide each group with ...

  11. Japanese Folktales: History & Examples - Study.com


    Japanese folktales can claim influence from several sources. Primarily, such tales borrow themes and figures from the Japanese religion of Shinto.Figures such as kani, Shinto deities and spirits ...