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  2. Overview of holidays and many observances in the United States during the year 2015

  3. 2015 Holidays - United States - CalendarDate.com


    United States 2015 holiday calendar with all major holidays and observances.

  4. Federal Holidays in USA in 2015 | Office Holidays


    Comprehensive list of Federal Holidays that are celebrated in USA during 2015 with dates for several years and information on the origin and meaning of holidays.

  5. 2015 Holidays - calendar-365.com


    The most common (Federal) holidays of the United States (USA) in 2015 are listed below.

  6. Untied States 2015 calendar online and printable for year 2015 with holidays, observances and full moons

  7. USA Federal Holidays 2015


    [1] July 4, 2015 (the legal public holiday for Independence Day), falls on a Saturday. For most Federal employees, Friday, July 3, will be treated as a holiday for pay and leave purposes.

  8. US Federal Holidays 2015 - Calendarpedia


    Overview of federal holidays and observances 2015 in the United States, with printable templates.

  9. 2015 Calendar & Holidays - Infoplease


    † All Jewish and Islamic holidays begin at sundown the day before they are listed here. ‡ See Seasons for the Northern Hemisphere, for solstices and equinoxes. Here are the facts and trivia that people are buzzing about. See also: Holidays in America.

  10. 2015 Federal Holidays - Calendar-12.com


    A list of United States federal holidays in 2015 is shown below. For convenience, the number of days left to a holiday date is also provided. Federal holidays are public holidays established for federal employees in the Federal law (5 United States Code 6103) by the United States Congress. Employees are paid for the holidays.

  11. 2015 USA Holidays - CalendarLabs


    The above is the list of 2015 public holidays declared in USA which includes federal, regional government holidays and popular observances. We also provide USA holiday calendar for 2015 in Word, Excel, PDF and printable online formats.