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  2. Formula to convert Date & time (GMT) in A cells to IST in B cells


    I have a tool which exports date & time DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS format in GMT in column A cells. I want a formula to convert that into IST in B cells. So I need a formula to change not only time but also date incase if the time conversion actually needs (The date may be different after converting the time into IST) Help on this will be really ...

  3. Coverting IST to GMT - Excel Help Forum


    I seek your help for converting IST to GMT in excel. The challenge is the date and time are in 2 different columns. What I am looking for is a formula that will give me the result in one column. Example below for your better understanding Eg: Column A(Date): 2012-06-14 Column B (Time): 03:29:33

  4. Epoch Converter [SOLVED] - Excel Help Forum


    The Unix epoch (or Unix time or POSIX time or Unix timestamp) is the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT), not counting leap seconds (in ISO 8601: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z). Literally speaking the epoch is Unix time 0 (midnight 1/1/1970), but 'epoch' is often used as a synonym for Unix time.

  5. Converting from GMT -> EST and Date & Time in HH.MM.DD.SS.MS...


    1. Convert date and time in this format from GMT -> EST for these dates / times. Current format is: YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS-MSMSMSMSMSMS 2010-03-18- 2010-03-18- 2. After converting, I need to find out the difference between the two dates / times. Would appreciate any help anyone can provide. Thank you in advance!

  6. Convert UTC or AEST to local time precisely - Excel Help Forum


    Possibly because the UTC date falls 10 / 11 hours behind, making the conversion time a Saturday afternoon, not a Sunday morning. I'm thinking it would be easier to do it in two steps and convert to AEST first, then use a formula to recognise if it falls within specified time zone range.

  7. time conversion GMT to Pacific - Excel Help Forum


    Thanks, but that still is not working. Let me be clear in column A I have a time 12:00:00 AM expressed in GMT I want a forumulae or function to convert this to read 16:00:00 pm PST

  8. Converting text to different timezones. GMT, AEDT, EST etc


    Unfortunately, the source I've dumped the data from imports it as text and I can't convert it to a date format just by changing the cell format to date. Maybe you can in this excel file I've attached, but it can't be done in the original. Anyway, I want to be able to take the date/time and convert it to other time zones, e.g. GMT, EST, etc.

  9. specific date format can't convert from EST to GMT - Excel Help...


    Re: specific date format can't convert from EST to GMT If it is a true date and time, the underlying value will be a number with 5 digits before the decimal point and 5+ digits after it. Again, if that is the case, you should be able to copy the value (=B2) and subtract 4/24 and format as required.

  10. Excel 2007 : UTC 5 to GMT Time Conversion - Excel Help Forum


    UTC 5 to GMT Time Conversion I have an excel spreadsheet with roughly 1900 unique times entered in as "6:39:14 PM"; "5:44:51 AM"; etc. The group contains UTC -5 and UTC -6 time zones and I need to standardize each into GMT time.

  11. Excel 2003 to 95 File format conversion [SOLVED] - Excel Help...


    On Sun, 17 Jul 2005 07:49:01 -0700, "Judith C" <Judith [email protected] > wrote: >I've donated my old computer and software to a non-profit and need to convert