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The Perseids are a prolific meteor shower associated with the comet Swift–Tuttle that are usually visible from mid-July to late-August. The meteors are called the Perseids because they appear from the general direction of the constellation Perseus and in more modern times have a radiant bordering on Cassiopeia and Camelopardalis .
The Perseid meteor shower peaked in the night skies of Sunday into Monday, giving astronomy fans one of the best shows of 2024 as they looked to the skies.
The next meteor shower to peak after the Perseids are the Orionids. They peak between Oct. 20 and Oct. 21, though they are active from Sept. 26 through Nov. 22, 2024. For more People news, make ...
View 50-100 meteors per hour during this year's Perseid meteor shower. Viewing conditions, best stargazing hours and more.
There's a reason the Perseid meteor shower is considered to be the best of the year. ... the Perseids still result in anywhere from 50 to 100 meteors visible per hour under the right conditions. ...
The Perseid meteor shower is visible in the Northern Hemisphere until Sept. 1, but the best time to observe it in action is this weekend.
The Perseid meteor shower occurs every year as Earth passes through a cloud of dust particles and debris from a comet known as 109P/Swift-Tuttle, which was discovered in 1862. Show comments ...
The Perseid meteor shower has already begun, but the peak time to watch it in the U.S. is the night of Aug. 11-12, says Alex Filippenko, a distinguished professor of astronomy at the University of ...