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  2. This, however, doesn't work with pdfTeX because the package uses pstricks. Generally, I recommend you look for some smileys that you like on the web and then put them in your document via includegraphics{}. Addition: marvosym also offers two smileys: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{marvosym} \begin{document}

  3. There is the tikzsymbols package which has some small variety of 2D and 3D smileys. \begin{frame} \frametitle{Everything between \textbackslash frowney and \textbackslash smiley} \begin{itemize} \item[\cChangey{2}] There is even Schrödingers Cat \SchrodingersCat{0}

  4. David Carlisle. 784k 70 1.6k 2.5k. This is the answer +1, however you've missed out a backslash - the correct appearance is ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ This may be because the OP hasn't escaped the backslash in the question body (I was gonna edit it, but it'd be a one character edit and I didn't have anything else to add) – Au101.

  5. fonts - Emoji Characters - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange


    26. I'm trying to display Emoji Characters inside my XeLaTeX Document. It seems to work for some glyphs like the numbers and pound sign but not for all. Here is a MWE: \documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{Apple Color Emoji} % The emoji Font. \begin{document}

  6. Typesetting smileys in the input - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange


    15. I'm inputting a file into LaTeX (in verbatim mode) that contains a unicode smiley character, code 128512. I thought declaring. \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{128512}{\smiley} would do the trick, but: Package inputenc Error: 128512 too large for Unicode. symbols. unicode. input-encodings.

  7. How would I go about adding Unicode Emoji into LaTeX?


    This is achieved with the fontspec command \newfontface as follows in LuaLaTeX. %!LW recipe=latexmk (lualatex) \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontspec} % Comment one or the other to change emoji font. % \newfontface\emojifont{Noto Color Emoji}[Renderer=Harfbuzz]

  8. nesting - How to typeset a TikZ picture inside a node? - TeX


    The problem here is to place automatically the heart and I need to use an extern node ' (txt)' to place a node inside the tikzpicture inside a node. Well Tikz is magic and do that without problem. \documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage[paperwidth=8cm, paperheight=8cm, margin=0cm, left=0cm, bottom=0mm]{geometry} %\PassOptionsToPackage{dvipsnames ...

  9. 1) Specify math font as \setmathfont {XITS Math} (I'm on a linux system and that is the name of the font my system reports) and 2) Adding \usepackage {bm} AFTER setting the math font. Without step 2), greek bold characters don't show up and latin bold appears to be typeset in Latin Modern Bold. – Orestes Mas.

  10. The text asterisk is raised, while the math asterisk is used for denoting an operation; \mbox{*} or ...

  11. I just solved the same problem. I'm using a ready-made template where individual packages are often colliding. Verbatim fragments (verb, texttt) overflow the page. I finally decided to go with the not exactly correct solution. {\fontfamily{lmtt}\fontseries{b}\selectfont my coding in text} I only changed the font style for the text to bold Latin ...