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This, however, doesn't work with pdfTeX because the package uses pstricks. Generally, I recommend you look for some smileys that you like on the web and then put them in your document via includegraphics{}. Addition: marvosym also offers two smileys: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{marvosym} \begin{document}
There is the tikzsymbols package which has some small variety of 2D and 3D smileys. \begin{frame} \frametitle{Everything between \textbackslash frowney and \textbackslash smiley} \begin{itemize} \item[\cChangey{2}] There is even Schrödingers Cat \SchrodingersCat{0}
David Carlisle. 784k 70 1.6k 2.5k. This is the answer +1, however you've missed out a backslash - the correct appearance is ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯ This may be because the OP hasn't escaped the backslash in the question body (I was gonna edit it, but it'd be a one character edit and I didn't have anything else to add) – Au101.
26. I'm trying to display Emoji Characters inside my XeLaTeX Document. It seems to work for some glyphs like the numbers and pound sign but not for all. Here is a MWE: \documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{Apple Color Emoji} % The emoji Font. \begin{document}
15. I'm inputting a file into LaTeX (in verbatim mode) that contains a unicode smiley character, code 128512. I thought declaring. \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{128512}{\smiley} would do the trick, but: Package inputenc Error: 128512 too large for Unicode. symbols. unicode. input-encodings.
This is achieved with the fontspec command \newfontface as follows in LuaLaTeX. %!LW recipe=latexmk (lualatex) \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontspec} % Comment one or the other to change emoji font. % \newfontface\emojifont{Noto Color Emoji}[Renderer=Harfbuzz]
The problem here is to place automatically the heart and I need to use an extern node ' (txt)' to place a node inside the tikzpicture inside a node. Well Tikz is magic and do that without problem. \documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage[paperwidth=8cm, paperheight=8cm, margin=0cm, left=0cm, bottom=0mm]{geometry} %\PassOptionsToPackage{dvipsnames ...
1) Specify math font as \setmathfont {XITS Math} (I'm on a linux system and that is the name of the font my system reports) and 2) Adding \usepackage {bm} AFTER setting the math font. Without step 2), greek bold characters don't show up and latin bold appears to be typeset in Latin Modern Bold. – Orestes Mas.
The text asterisk is raised, while the math asterisk is used for denoting an operation; \mbox{*} or ...
I just solved the same problem. I'm using a ready-made template where individual packages are often colliding. Verbatim fragments (verb, texttt) overflow the page. I finally decided to go with the not exactly correct solution. {\fontfamily{lmtt}\fontseries{b}\selectfont my coding in text} I only changed the font style for the text to bold Latin ...