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  2. What's the difference between a microcontroller and a...


    Difference between microcontroller and microprocessor. Microprocessor = cpu; Microcontroller = cpu + peripherals + memory Peripherals = ports + clock + timers + uarts + adc converters +lcd drivers + dac + other stuff; Memory = eeprom + sram + eprom + flash. In Microprocessor more op-codes, few bit handling instructions.

  3. Arduino vs Microprocessor vs Microcontroller - Electrical...


    The microcontroller is typically preprogrammed with a "bootloader" program that allows a program (called a "sketch") to be loaded into the microcontroller over a TTY serial connection (or virtual serial over USB connection) from a PC. Microprocessor. A microprocessor is an IC that contains only a central processing unit (CPU).

  4. Which is used in mobile phones? A microprocessor or a...


    The main processor is a microprocessor with a bus to communicate with memory on separate chips (though often contained in the same IC package), and busses to communicate with the rest of the devices. They usually contain some of the controllers, such as the display controller, so they have some of the features of microcontrollers, but they are ...

  5. microcontroller vs. System on chip - Electrical Engineering Stack...


    These are basically a microcontroller with small FPGA on the same chip. Instead of having built in peripherals, you can make whatever you want within the available resources of the FPGA. In general, I think a system on a chip is a microcontroller with some supposedly system-level logic integrated with it.

  6. How does a microcontroller boot and startup, step by step?


    A microcontroller attempts to be a system on a chip, so its non-volatile memory (flash/rom), volatile (sram), and cpu are all on the same chip along with a mixture of peripherals. But the chip is designed internally such that the flash is mapped into the address space of the cpu that matches the boot characteristics of that cpu.

  7. microcontroller - What is a Good Starter Microprocessor to learn...


    AVR is a microcontroller line by Atmel, not a microprocessor. I suggest you first search on wikipedia to get a better understanding of what the differences are between these. Basically a microcontroller is a more or less complete system, whereas a microprocessor is only the cpu (hence a microcontroller has a microprocessor inside).

  8. Is it feasible to test microprocessor/microcontroller?


    Then I write a special manufacturing test firmware which is first loaded into the microcontroller after the board has been stuffed with parts, but before it is put into its final case. Obviously, if the programmer can't load the test firmware into the micro and run it, then you have a problem.

  9. microprocessor - What could cause a microcontroller to...


    The microcontroller was referenced to one side of that thick trace, but some of the circuitry the microcontroller was driving was referenced to the other end of the trace. Trace was only 3 mOhm, but at 100 amps that's enough to get a 300 mV difference between the micro and the peripherals it was driving.

  10. microcontroller - Is MC8051 is a microprocessor with some...


    A microcontroller consists of a microprocessor and various associated peripherals. These may include (but are not limited to) Memory (ROM and/or RAM), General Purpose IO (GPIO), communications interfaces, timers, PWM generators, and capture/compare circuitry.

  11. microprocessor - Microcontroller to process HDMI frames -...


    \$\begingroup\$ I don't think a microcontroller can do the job; this is the task for a DSP or for a more powerful microprocessor. \$\endgroup\$ – Renan Commented Nov 27, 2012 at 13:55