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  2. List Of US States and Capitals – Free Printable


    The List Of US States and Capitals is a basic list of the 50 United States of America with Capitals in alphabetical order that you can use to study for the next 50 US States test. Print the List Of US States and Capitals using your home or school printer and share with your kids and students.

  3. 50 States and Capitals List – Free Printable


    The 50 States and Capitals List is a list of the 50 United States of America in alphabetical order that includes the Capitals of the 50 States. Print the all 50 States and Capitals Lists that you need using your inkjet or laser printer and share with your children or students.

  4. US States and Capitals List50states


    The list below is all 50 state capitals and their respective state in alphabetical order. You can even get more fun and interesting facts about that state by clicking the state below. Click to Download or Print List

  5. Print 50 States and Capitals List – Free Printable


    Use the "View Full Screen" button to open the PDF document in a new window. From this new window you can also Print or Download the document.

  6. 50 US STATES & CAPITALS LIST - Tim's Printables


    50 US STATES & CAPITALS LIST www.timvandevall.com | 50 US States and Capitals List created by Tim van de Vall Copyright © 2014 Dutch Renaissance Press LLC

  7. 50States.com States & Capitals


    Alabam a Alaska Arizona Arkansas Calif ornia Colorado Connec t ic u t D elaw are F lorida G eorgia H aw aii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iow a K ansas K ent u c ky

  8. Free Printable List of States and Capitals - 123 Homeschool 4 Me


    Simply print pdf file with list of state capitals and pick which one of the templates you like best. This printable list of 50 states and capitals is handy for kids who can read in first grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grdae, 7th grade, and 8th grade students.