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  2. ZIP code (in some countries) If you want to collect the cardholder's name you have to build your own field for the name and submit it to the API during token creation: var card_name = document.getElementById('card_name').value; stripe.createToken(card, {name: card_name}).then(setOutcome); You can see a live example on jsfiddle here: https ...

  3. And this is how I'm retrieving stripe sources. List<Stripe.Source>() sources = GetSourceService().List(customerId).ToList(); This all works fine, but the retrieved sources does not contains the name of card holder, which was there when we created and retrieved token. I tried to look at the documentation, but no luck.

  4. The printed name is typically printed {FIRST NAME}{SPACE}{LAST NAME} whereas the card holder name field in the card's data structures (e.g. mag-stripe track data) is always encoded as {LAST NAME}/{FIRST NAME}. So to get the name printed on the card you can simply split the string at the "/" (slash) to get the first name and last name fields.

  5. card.io - Detect card holder's name - Stack Overflow


    Bluesnap Card Holder First Name and Last Name. 0. Stripe V3 Cardholder name on source card. 2.

  6. 20. Unfortunately, most banks don't provide any way to verify the cardholder's name. This tends to surprise people, since most merchants do request the cardholder's name. The main standard for sending messages over the credit card networks, ISO8583, doesn't even contain a field to transmit the cardholder name.

  7. Trying to validate card holder name in my website. I tried the following regex ^([a-z]+[,.]?[ ]?|[a-z]+['-]?)+$ But it dosent validate against names like . JOHN DOE LOREM IPSUM ETC NAMES I just want it to accept alphabets in 1, 2 or 3 words with singe space in between them. Example: FIRST MIDDLE LAST FIRST LAST FIRST

  8. By inspection I have been able to identify the card number which is marked out with XX and expiry date marked out with Y's. But I want to get other info like cvv,card holder name. How am I to identify where these are. Because the card number and cvv was just by physical inspection.What values do I ought to look out for to find them. Thanks in ...

  9. Cardholder name not included when reading EMV card


    7. It's not uncommon for an EMV payment card to not reveal the cardholder name over the contactless interface. In fact, all major brands have introduced this as a privacy feature. On many cards the cardholder name field (tag 5F20) is present but filled with a string like " /" to indicate that the cardholder name is not to be revealed.

  10. Regular expression in Swift to validate Cardholder name


    I am looking for a regular expression to use in Swift to validate cardholder name for a credit card. I am looking for a regEx which: Has minimum 2 and maximum of 26 characters; Accept dashes (-) and apostrophes (') only and no other special character; Capital and small alphabets and no numbers.

  11. To change the background of a clicked item in the RecyclerView you need to catch the click in the adapter using an iterface: fun onItemClickListener(item: Item, position: Int) When we click we will get the item and the items position. In our bind function in the adapter we will set the on click listener: