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  2. (PIC16f877a) 00-99 seven segment Counter ,Assembly language


    ;7 segment LED display - count up from zero LIST p=16F877a ;tell assembler what chip we are using include "P16F877a.inc" ;include the defaults for the chip ERRORLEVEL 0, -302 ;suppress bank selection messages cblock 0x20 ;start of general purpose registers count ;used in looping routines count1 ;used in delay routine counta ;used in delay routine countb ;used in delay routine tmp1 ;temporary ...

  3. How to implement an I2C into 8051 using Assembly Language?


    My project does not allow me to use extra hardware devices to form the I2C bus. I only can use assembly language to program the microcontroller to work as an I2C to receive the information scanned from the Ultrasonic Range Finder(SRF08 which uses I2C interface).

  4. how can user enter input in 8051 assembly programming


    Find the assembly language instruction set for your micro controller, Each instruction is explained with example on the user guides. Once you write assembly language instructions, use compiler to compile it. It will convert your written assembly instructions to series of Hex numbers. Those hex numbers can be loaded to micro controller memory.

  5. Convert assembly to c language! HELP NEEDED PLEASE


    I do agree with Ian though that, depending on the assembly language program, it might be difficult to justify the time and effort required to convert any particular program to C. Speaking of ambiguous (grin), are you located in Rochester, MI., Rochester, MN., Rochester, NY., etc.? Regards...

  6. Digital Clock Using pic16f877a and assembly language


    Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets.

  7. MANCHESTER CODING in C language | Electronics Forum (Circuits,...


    With microcontrollers/CPU' you tend to deal with bytes, thus the '8-bit becomes 16-bit' part. I usually just use a lookup table, split a byte into nibbles, and encode each seperately, meaning a byte -> 2x 4-bit nibbles -> 2 'manchester' bytes. However, if you're dealing with pure logic, CPLD's/FPGA's then generally these will work on a bit-by ...

  8. help with assemble code 8051 - prime or not prime number


    hi, I'm working with a multiple phases project in 8051 micro-controller and phase one involved with check if a given number is prime or not the way I've trying to do this code is : 1. assuming 2 numbers one is prime and other is not and save them in R1, and R2 2. create a counter from 99 and...

  9. 8086 Assembly language - Electronics Forum (Circuits, Projects...


    Here's what I am using right now to teach myself x86 assembly : The Art of Assembly Language Programming, by Randall Hyde. It's great and completely free. It can be browsed online or downloaded as convenient PDFs, has different versions for Win32, Linux or Dos, and a hardcopy can be bought if you prefer that.

  10. LCD programming and connection with assembly language


    I'm using a PIC16f877 and a 2 line 16 chracter LCD. I addition, I also do not know how how to connect 16f877 with hitachi 44780, 2 line 16 character LCD. have any one know how to Program a PIC using assembly language to be applied in LCD and its connetion??

  11. Calculating delays for a microcontroller... | Electronics Forum...


    Here is a common delay loop in assembly language: DELAY: MOV R5, #7 HERE1: MOV R4, #255 HERE2: MOV R3, #255 HERE3: DJNZ R3, HERE3 DJNZ R4, HERE2 DJNZ R5, HERE1 RET Let us assume the crystal frequecy is 11.0592MHz. 8051 uses 1/12 of oscilator frequency, which is 921.6kHz Each oscilator cycle's time period becomes 1/f = 1/921.6kHz = 1.085uS