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  2. Where can I download Office 2000 if I still have a product key?


    Original Title: "I had Office 2000 on my pc. Motherboard crashed. I bought a laptop and want to install my 2000 Office on it, I have product key and id." I want to download Office 2000 without disc. I have my "product key" and my "product id" numbers. The disc was destroyed by accident.

  3. Office 2000 - Microsoft Community


    "Office" is primarily a marketing name for a bundle of applications. It is hard to describe the difference between 2000 and 2016/2019/365 in such general terms. Which specific application(s) in 2000 do you use? Office 2000 has not received "security" updates from MS for about 10 years now.

  4. is microsoft office2000 professional compatible with windows 11?


    I just bought a replacement computer (refurb, no CD player) for my old Dell, running Windows 7 (Home version), and Office2000 Professional.Refurb is running on Windows 11. Is Office2000 Professional

  5. Re-Install Office 2000 - Microsoft Community


    Office 2000 is now two decades old and has not been supported by Microsoft since July 14, 2009. It is also not compatible with Windows 10. Although you may be able to reinstall it and get it running again, it will likely never be fully functional and may compromise your system's security.

  6. Office 2000 installation on Windows 10 - Microsoft Community


    Office 2000 is years old and was written for use on computers and operating systems that are long gone. Use one of the open source, FREE and up to date office suites. My preference is for Libre Office.. After installation, open up WRITER, and go to Tools > Options > Load/Save > General and alter the default load/save to Office 2007-2013 XML..

  7. Reinstalling an older licensed copy of Microsoft Office onto a...


    I have an ancient Microsoft Office version (2007), original installation disk and Product Key, that I would like to install onto my new machine. However, when I run Setup, I get a warning that my new machine cannot install an unverified app unless I take my machine out of S mode, to which I would never be able to return.

  8. updating office 2000 - Microsoft Community


    how do i update office 2000? I found this statement on the office 2000 SP3 download site: "Microsoft recommends that users install the Office 2000 SP3 update using theOffice Products Updates site. This site will detect your Office installation and prompt you to install exactly what you need to be completely updated.

  9. Office 2000 Pro compatibility with newer Office products -...


    I have a new laptop running W10 Pro. I have installed Office 2000 Professional (I like this better than any other version of Office I've used.). On my previous laptop I had Office 2010 installed. The files I have transferred over (especially Excel) won't open due to compatibility issues.

  10. Will Office 2000 run on a 64 bit Win7 Pro machine? - Microsoft...


    I own a legal copy of Office 2000 Professional, and I can practically use it blindfolded. No reason to learn new Office menus, many of which appear to be dumbed down for nervous or less experienced users. I have a brand new laptop running Windows 7 Professional, 64 bit. Will Office 2000 run on this computer?

  11. Reinstall microsoft office 2000 premium


    Hi, I need to reinstall microsoft office 2000 premium but do not have the cd, I only have the product key. What can I do or where can I go? I've tried calling the microsoft support office in my country but they say they only support office 2007, 2010 and 2013, and directed me here. Please assist. Thanks!