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  2. Freak the Mighty Summary - eNotes.com


    Freak the Mighty Summary. F reak the Mighty is a novel by Rodman Philbrick about Kevin and Max, childhood friends who bond over their disabilities and help each other navigate life.. Max has a ...

  3. Differences Between Freak the Mighty Book and Movie - eNotes.com


    The movie The Mighty and the book Freak the Mighty share core themes of friendship and empowerment but differ in several aspects. The film includes new scenes, such as basketball games and a café ...

  4. Exploring Conflicts in Freak the Mighty - eNotes.com


    Summary: In Rodman Philbrick's Freak the Mighty, the main conflicts revolve around Max's struggles with his father, "Killer" Kane, and Kevin's battle with his debilitating disease.Max faces both ...

  5. What is the setting of Freak, The Mighty? - eNotes.com


    The setting of Freak the Mighty is Portsmouth, New Hampshire, during the summer in the 1980s or early 1990s. The story unfolds in places where Freak and the Mighty interact, both real and imaginary.

  6. Freak the Mighty Themes - eNotes.com


    Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick is centered around the deep friendship between Max and Kevin (Freak), two boys who support each other despite their physical and learning disabilities. Key ...

  7. Key Events, Plot Points, and Themes in Freak the Mighty -...


    Freak the Mighty is a composite that represents the growing friendship of Kevin and Max. As the two boys look beyond each other’s problems and find each other’s positive qualities, they learn ...

  8. Freak the Mighty Analysis - eNotes.com


    Freak the Mighty explores the individual’s role in society through the two central characters of Max and Kevin. Both are misfits, and both struggle to cope with their disabilities and find their ...

  9. Freak the Mighty Chapter Summaries - eNotes.com


    In the summer before their eighth-grade year, Freak moves in down the block from the house where Max lives with his maternal grandparents, whom he affectionately calls “Grim” and “Gram.”

  10. Freak the Mighty Chapters 11 and 12 Summary - eNotes.com


    Steering Max around the classroom, Freak raises his fist in the air and chants, “Freak the Mighty! Freak the Mighty!” and soon the entire class joins in; Max thinks this is “pretty cool ...

  11. Freak the Mighty Characters - eNotes.com


    Freak the Mighty Characters. T he main characters in Freak the Mighty are Max Kane, Kevin Avery, Kenny Kane, and Loretta Lee.. Max Kane is a troubled kid who witnessed his mother’s murder. Max ...