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Every fraction has two parts: a top number and a bottom number. In math terms, these are called the numerator and the denominator. Don't worry too much about remembering those names. As long as you remember what each number means, you can understand any fraction.
Numerator : The top number of a fraction representing how many pieces you have. 2/5 ----> 2 is the numerator. Denominator : The bottom number of a fraction representing how many total pieces your whole is split into. 2/5 ----> 5 is the denominator. Fraction Bar :
The name given to the number on the top of a fraction is the numerator, and the name given to the number on the bottom of a fraction is the denominator.
What Are Fractions? Definition: A fraction names part of a region or part of a group. The top number of a fraction is called its numerator and the bottom part is its denominator. So a fraction is the number of shaded parts divided by the number of equal parts as shown below: number of shaded parts numerator. number of equal parts denominator
The top number in a fraction is called the numerator, and the bottom number is called the denominator. For example, look at the following fraction: In this example, the number 3 is the numerator, and the number 4 is the denominator.
The basics of fractions explain the top and bottom numbers of a fraction. The top number represents the number of selected or shaded parts of a whole whereas the bottom number represents the total number of parts. Suppose a number has to be divided into four parts, then it is represented as x/4.
How many equal parts of a whole. Slice a pizza, and we get fractions: The top number says how many slices we have. The bottom number says how many equal slices the whole pizza was cut into. Have a try yourself: Equivalent Fractions. Some fractions may look different, but are really the same, for example:
A fraction consists of two main parts: a numerator and a denominator, separated by a horizontal bar known as the fraction bar. Numerator. The numerator is the top number above the fraction bar, indicating how many parts we have. Denominator. The denominator is the number below the fraction bar, which shows how many equal parts the whole is ...
Fractions. A Fraction (such as 3/8) has two numbers: Numerator Denominator. The top number is the Numerator, it is the number of parts you have. The bottom number is the Denominator, it is the number of parts the whole is divided into. Example: 3/4 means: We have 3 parts. Each part is a quarter (1/4) of a whole.
The top number in a fraction is the numerator and declares the number of parts. Think of “number-ator” to help you remember. The bottom number is the denominator and represents how many parts we have divided the whole unit into. The numerator always