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  2. The Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania, also referred to as the Pine Creek Gorge, stretches for over 45 miles with depths of nearly 1500 feet. The dynamic topography of the PA Grand Canyon creates many scenic wonders, including steep canyon walls and waterfalls.

  3. Visiting the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon, and you want to know what there is to do? Here are some attractions and activities that both locals and visitors enjoy. Vista Views Colton Point lookout on the west rim of the canyon, and Leonard Harrison on the east rim of the

  4. PA Grand Canyon Lodging. Find Hotels and Motels in and around Mansfield and Wellsboro PA, also Williamsport. Stay at a Cabin, Cottage, Vacation Rental , or B&B.

  5. PA Grand Canyon Maps


    PA Grand Canyon and the Pine Creek Rail Trail - Read this Mile by Mile Guide Directions to the PA Grand Canyon - State Park Overlooks PA Grand Canyon Trail Map (Large)

  6. Pine Creek Rail Trail. Mile by Mile Guide. - pacanyon.com


    This 16 mile section is the most secluded and pristine, this is the national natural landmark known as the Pine Creek gorge or the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon. The PA canyon offers vista views from Leonard Harrison State Park on the east rim (via rt. 660)

  7. Visiting the PA Grand Canyon.


    Here is an overview of some of the PA Grand Canyon area’s most popular Attractions and Activities and some good reasons why people enjoy visiting the PA Grand Canyon. The PA Grand Canyon offers some truly wondrous views, and of course this is a “must do” on the travel itinerary.

  8. Directions to the PA Grand Canyon


    Colton Point State Park - from Wellsboro Pa., follow Rt. 6 West 11 miles to Ansonia Pa., then left to follow Forest Road for 5 miles. For more detailed directions to the PA Grand Canyon, optional routes and destinations, read this article:

  9. PA Grand Canyon Hiking


    The Pennsylvania Grand Canyon is a hiker's Paradise. Famously referred to as the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania, and scientifically known as the Pine Creek Gorge area of Pennsylvania, it is a must-do for avid hikers and nature lovers.

  10. Camping PA Grand Canyon.


    The Pennsylvania Grand Canyon offers a wealth of camping opportunities. Whether you're RV camping or tent camping, or looking for a backpacking adventure, or just camping in the woods, you'll find it all here.

  11. Leonard Harrison State Park. PA Grand Canyon State Parks.


    Leonard Harrison State Park is the site of the PA Grand Canyon’s most popular Vista View. It can be accessed via Rt 660 traveling west from Wellsboro, Pa. If you are arriving from the West via Rt 6, take Rt 362 from Ansonia toward Wellsboro, then rt 660 to the premier canyon overlook.