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  2. How do you type a true minus sign (not a hyphen) on a Mac?


    First, insert a proper minus sign into a Word document somewhere using the "Insert symbol" function. Highlight that minus sign. Go to "Tools" --> "Autocorrect". The proper minus sign you have highlighted will show up in the "replace with" field on the right; all you have to do now is type whatever shortcut you want to use on the left.

  3. How to Get Rid of red Minus Sign on Desktop Icons


    I do not use One Drive and never will. It is not installed on my laptop, yet Windows 11 is showing a red minus sign on every desktop icon. How to I get rid of that? Please actually READ MY MESSAGE before posting more useless replies. ONE DRIVE IS NOT INSTALLED. It is the first thing I remove when getting a new laptop

  4. Bing search exclude operator doesn't seem to work anymore, how do...


    In the past, I believe we could put a minus in front of a search to exclude results with that word. For example, if I wanted to search for pages with 'book' and 'face' but rule out facebook, I could use: face book -facebook. But that no longer works (most of the results include 'facebook' -- the opposite of what they should be).

  5. The minus key (-) on numpad takes me to screen lock every time I...


    Hi, was also experiencing the same issue with my logi MK470 wireless keyboard. What I did was to launch the "Logi Options +" app installed in my Windows 11 machine and chose the "RESET TO DEFAULT SETTINGS" option.

  6. How do I say “±” in English? - English Language Learners Stack...


    In American English, the way to pronounce a plus-minus sign depends on where the sign appears in a mathematical expression or numerical quantity. If the sign appears between two terms in an expression, then the meaning is the plus operation (addition) or minus operation (subtraction). In this case, the pronunciation is the same as in British ...

  7. Typing the tilde '~' character on a PC keyboard - Ask Different


    I'm using my macbook pro with an international Spanish PC keyboard and am trying in vain to find the tilde '~' character. I've tried the layouts "British - PC" and "U.S. International - PC" but cant

  8. punctuation - What is the " - " character on my keyboard? -...


    You want to use the real minus sign when typesetting any kind of math, as the minus sign has the same horizontal position as a plus sign: Cf. hyphen +- and minus sign +−. (And figure dash might be useful when setting tables of numbers or similar numeric columnar data, so that a dash does not break alignment of the digits.) –

  9. keyboard - How to type a long/em dash - Ask Different


    This might be one of those that changes by language, but on a UK English keyboard [& from comments, also US English], there are 4 dashes available from the key to the right of 0, Minus. - - key alone (hyphen) – - Opt ⌥ (en dash) — - Opt ⌥ Shift ⇧ (em dash) _ - Shift ⇧ (underscore) Late Edit... To complete the set, & from comments...

  10. Error Display window "There's a problem with this formula"


    When the first charcter is an equal(=) or minus (-) sign, Excel thinks it's a formula. you type: =1=1, cell shows : 2. To get around this, type an apostrphe (') firts: you type: '=1=1, cell shows: =1+1. Anybody know why this just started or how tosolve it? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Russ

  11. Excel - "-" not working correctly - Microsoft Community


    On an updated note, while I was trying to figure out what to do, I realized that with the number lock on, while the minus sign doesn't work to start a formula, it is highlighting cells when I click from one cell to another - from what I looked up so far on google, I found a couple of questions that sound similar but there isn't an answer I ...