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  2. Home - Capital Newspaper


    Ethiopia's commitment to preserving its rich and diverse indigenous cultures is facing significant challenges due to low budget allocations for the cultural sector, according to a recent study. Despite the country's vibrant cultural landscape, the financial resources dedicated to this sector have been insufficient, hindering its effectiveness ...

  3. News Archives - Capital Newspaper


    Capital News. Regional News. Editorial. Interview. Society. Opinion. Business & Economy. More. Arts and Culture. Sports. Entrepreneurs. ispot. Discourse with Dr. Desta. Doing Business. Advertisement. ... The National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE), the regulatory authority... News EEP to independently complete... By our staff reporter The Ethiopian ...

  4. Capital News Archives - Capital Newspaper


    Ethiopia is grappling with significant challenges related to workplace... Capital News Funding shortfall poses challenge... Despite the ambitious goal of achieving the 2030 Sustainable... EDITOR PICKS. ... Capital News; Regional News; Editorial; Interview; Society; Opinion; Business & Economy;

  5. Local News Archives - Capital Newspaper


    Capital News. Regional News. Editorial. Interview. Society. Opinion. Business & Economy. More. Vacancy & Bid. Arts and Culture. Sports. Entrepreneurs. ispot. Discourse with Dr. Desta. ... Ethiopia's textile manufacturers are facing a growing crisis as... Local News Ethiopian Airlines partners with...

  6. About - Capital Newspaper


    Established in 1998, Capital is your Ethiopian weekly business newspaper published and distributed by Crown Publishing Plc. Capital, also known as Capital Ethiopia is a paper published once a week, on Sundays, and on the hours daily on its website and social media channel.

  7. Business & Economy Archives - Capital Newspaper


    Capital is the longest-established private English newspaper in Ethiopia. Contact us: info@capitalethiopia.com FOLLOW US

  8. Home (2) - Capital Newspaper


    Ethiopia's commitment to preserving its rich and diverse indigenous cultures is facing significant challenges due to low budget allocations for the cultural sector, according to a recent study. Despite the country's vibrant cultural landscape, the financial resources dedicated to this sector have been insufficient, hindering its effectiveness ...

  9. Addis Ababa - Capital Newspaper


    Capital is the longest-established private English newspaper in Ethiopia. Contact us: info@capitalethiopia.com FOLLOW US

  10. More chillin - Capital Newspaper


    Capital is the longest-established private English newspaper in Ethiopia. Contact us: info@capitalethiopia.com FOLLOW US

  11. Sports Archives - Capital Newspaper


    Capital News. Regional News. Editorial. Interview. Society. Opinion. Business & Economy. More. Vacancy & Bid. Arts and Culture. Sports. Entrepreneurs. ispot. Discourse with Dr. Desta. ... Football betting in Ethiopia has increased multifold and has... Sports The Rising Popularity of... Casinos have long been a symbol of excitement, luxury,...