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  2. Where did Adam and Eve's sons get their wives? I've heard people...


    The Bible doesn’t say where Adam and Eve’s first two sons — Cain and Abel — got their wives, although it does tell us that Cain and his wife had at least one child (Enoch). The usual assumption is that Cain and Abel married their sisters. (Later this was forbidden by the Old Testament, but was necessary at the beginning of the human race.)

  3. Adam and Eve’s Family - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day...


    Adam and Eve’s family kept growing. Many more people were born. They all had the freedom to make choices. In time, some people rebelled against the Lord’s commandments. The Lord sent prophets to teach the people to repent. Genesis 4:25–26; Moses 5:13; 6:23. After Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden, they had many children and taught them ...

  4. The Fulness of the Gospel: The Fall of Adam and Eve - The Church...


    Partaking of the fruit brought mortality, with its many opportunities to choose between good and evil, and enabled Adam and Eve to have children. Thus the Fall opened the door for Heavenly Father’s children to come into the world, obtain physical bodies, and participate in “the great plan of happiness” ( Alma 42:8 ).

  5. The Fall Was Part of God’s Plan - The Church of Jesus Christ of...


    The earth was created for us (see 1 Nephi 17:36). The Fall made it possible for Adam and Eve to carry out God’s commandment to have children, allowing us to come to earth in a physical body. Our bodies will someday die, but our spirits will continue to live. Our bodies and spirits will be reunited when we are resurrected.

  6. Adam and Eve - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


    Adam and Eve were the first of Heavenly Father’s children to live on earth. They lived in the beautiful Garden of Eden, surrounded by all sorts of plants and trees. God our Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus Christ visited them and talked to them. Genesis 2:8–9; 3:8; Moses 3:8­–9; Abraham 5:8, 14–19. Image.

  7. The Fall of Adam and Eve - The Church of Jesus Christ of...


    Because Adam and Eve had eaten the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, the Lord sent them out of the Garden of Eden into the world. Their physical condition changed as a result of their eating the forbidden fruit. As God had promised, they became mortal. They and their children would experience sickness, pain, and physical death.

  8. The Fall of Adam and Eve 3 - The Church of Jesus Christ of...


    The Fall of Adam and Eve. To teach class members that the Fall of Adam and Eve allowed each of us to enter mortality. Prayerfully study Genesis 1:28; 2:16–17 (Moses 2:28; 3:16–17); 2 Nephi 2:19–20, 22–25; Moses 4:6–12. 2. Materials needed: The picture Adam and Eve Leaving the Garden of Eden (picture 3 in the picture section of the ...

  9. Adam and Eve - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


    Adam and Eve! Heavenly Father put them in the Garden of Eden. All the food they needed grew in the garden. They did not have to work. They did not get sick. Heavenly Father told Adam and Eve that if they ate some fruit from one of the trees, they would have to leave Eden. Satan tempted Eve to eat the fruit, and she did. So did Adam. Their ...

  10. The Choice That Began Mortality - The Church of Jesus Christ of...


    They could have continued on for countless ages. There was no death then. But it would have been a terrific calamity if they had refrained from taking the fruit of that tree, for they would have stayed in the Garden of Eden and we would not be here; nobody would be here except Adam and Eve. So Adam and Eve partook.” 9

  11. Fall of Adam and Eve


    Adam and Eve were the first of God’s children to come to the earth. They lived in a state of innocence in the Garden of Eden, meaning they had no children and did not experience joy or misery (see 2 Nephi 2:23). Two trees in the garden were especially significant—the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil (see Moses 3:9).